Decorative Breads

TeckPoh's picture

'Tis the season to play with breads....decorative breads. Last year, inspired by Mitch Stamm, I made this...note the crack...paid for my impatience when I put the bread in a too hot oven.


Then yesterday, I made a few wreaths from Jeffrey Hamelman's book; I had the cheek to dive straight into the Advance Category when I can count on one hand how many times I've made braids or decorative breads. But, I had fun making them, hope they survive their trip abroad.

Phew. The 6-point (6-braid) star...a challenge to make. Don't look too closely...too many flaws.


After I made that, I could do the Hungarian Bread Ring without a sweat, finished one in less than 10 minutes. I enhanced the image to bring out its mystic-ness.


Let's use this thread for Decorative Breads.

244 users have voted.


Pab's picture
Pab 2006 December 14

Simply beautiful, TeckPoh - with all this talk about girls and boys on Dan's site, I ask do you have to be able to plait hair to make these? That's one skill (among many others) I've missed out on.

Interestingly, I recently bought a bread book by a British baker called Paul Hollywood and his suggestion is that you make a complex harvest loaf (not to eat) in the shape of a wheatsheaf before you try any of his serious recipes. His theory being that then you will be in possession of all the necessary dough handling/shaping skills. I might have a go. Not as complex as these, of course.

A while ago, I found that making bread sticks improved my shaping/handling skills immensely.

Best wishes


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 December 14


They are beautiful, as usual! I love your idea of 'flawed'!!!

There's a bakery not to far from where I work that has a window full of 'decorative breads' ... lots of animals, wheat sheafs, etc ... they've been there for years and still look great!


Pab's picture
Pab 2006 December 14


I think that we are too small a household to get the practice I need - pasta machine will hopefully arrive in my Xmas stocking if I drop enough hints!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 December 14

Thanks, people. Carol, yes, Jeffrey H said that if the bread is dried long on the rack, it won't get mouldy and can last over a year, but years??? Wow. Perhaps, it's heavily salted dough, like my 1st wreath above. The other 2 are regular dough, with a teeny bit of yeast, quite edible.

.... do you have to be able to plait hair to make these? That's one skill (among many others) I've missed out on....[snip]

Don't get to do much plaiting as this rotten mom encourages her kids to keep their hair short, it's a huge rush to get them to school as it is without the extra minutes of doing their hair. I think it helps to practise with ropes (though I haven't done that). I mumble to myself as I go....left-most fling to the right and away, under the 4th, etc....must have a rhythm going or I get all flusterd and mixed up.

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 December 14

I give mine away to friends and local eateries!

Pasta or the machine? Lucky them, whichever it is.

I've a cheapo italian model but have only used it once. I should brush off the cobwebs and utilise it in the kitchen.

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