Absolute beginner requires step by step help!


OK, long time bread baker first time sourdougher.

I need to know how to go about making my loaf, starting with... the starter.

I know I should start with equal quantities of water and flour. I know to use strong (bread) unbleached flour and unchlorinated water. I know it needs to be about 25 degrees. I know you have to take some out, then add more water and flour. I know you need to feed it and let it sit about 8 hours before you bake.

My question is on timing. You mix it together then leave it in 25 degree warmth. For how long? Does it need to be in this warmth throughout the feeding process? (Will my lamp be on the whole time?). How long do you feed it for, and how often?

What makes it more sour?

I like strong German style breads. Should I use some rye flour? What would be a good recipe to start with if I like this style of bread?

aaah thanks so much guys!!

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TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 August 11

Welcome, chickee! Where are you located?

Ahh...so many questions.
I'll tackle the easiest one first Here's [url=http://sourdom.sourdough.net.au/2006/06/30/beginners-blog-a-starter-from-scratch/]Sourdom's excellent starter tutorial[/url]

Do explore the forum...lots of useful tips everywhere.

matthew 2006 August 12

I agree with TP, a good place to start is with these tutorials. A couple of other members have just recently got their starters going and begun baking with them using Sourdom's tutorials.

lightningbolt 2006 August 12

I agree with TP, a good place to start is with these tutorials. A couple of other members have just recently got their starters going and begun baking with them using Sourdom's tutorials.

he's right

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