It's about time...


Just this afternoon my wife brought home a 900g Casalinga loaf from Morpeth Sourdough. This is not only the first commercial sourdough I've tried but also the first sourdough other than my own that I've now tasted. Finally having something to compare my efforts to I can now say my loaves are certainly not lacking in flavour. I've mentioned before a distinct lack of sourness in my bread although it does have a subtle tang and is slighty sweet. However compared to the Casalinga the sourness in my sourdough could be called extreme, I found the Casalinga to be very bland. It completely lacked any flavour to speak of I could only descibe it as dry and earthy tasting. At $5.50 for the loaf it's a little disappointing however it does make me feel good about my own results. I will be trying the other breads Morpeth Sourdough has to offer so I'll also see how they compare.

337 users have voted.


KazaKhan®© 2006 July 26

Oh Good Lord!

A Big Coffee Machine Thingy!

What hours could one pop over the road and get a coffee from the Big Coffee Machine Thingy?

Desperately yours,


I don't know what the technical term for those machines are, I don't drink coffee. The cafe is open 12-1pm...

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 July 12

IIRC, the one or 2 occasions I've ever tried sourdough bread here...eons ago, they were pretty much lacking in the sour dept too. Sometimes, I think these establishment is catering or think they are catering for the general crowd, who are not ready for more sour.

But, how goes your sourdough journey, Kazakh? You seem to be buying a lot of flour. Do update us.

KazaKhan®© 2006 July 12

But, how goes your sourdough journey, Kazakh? You seem to be buying a lot of flour. Do update us.
It's not going too bad thanks. As for flour I've got a lot, close to 10Kg of Lauckes Crusty White premix, 10Kg of Centurion Special White, 1Kg of Laucke Rye, 5Kgs of Bibina Rye (I believe this is from Allied Mills), 5Kg of Laucke Wallaby (always need more of course), 15+Kg of Plain Flour, 15+Kg of High Ratio flour, around 1Kg each of tapioca, potato, maize, spelt, soya and rice flours as well as gluten, various grains, malt extract, molases etc

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 July 25

Hi KazaKhan,

I'm sad to hear the Morpeth Sourdough Casalinga didn't float your boat.

I've spent a lovely few hours in Stephen's bakery learning at his feet, so to speak, and learnt quite a lot.

Try the Olive Ciabatta ... it is just wonderful and is the bread that is responsible for starting me on the path of wanting to make my own sourdough. (I like this one so much I even have loaves in the freezer for those days when I get cravings and can't get fresh ones!)

And while I'm now pretty proud of my efforts ... I will go out of my way to get my mitts on one of Stephen's olive ciabatta loaves!!


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 July 25

Hi KazaKhan,

I'm sad to hear the Morpeth Sourdough Casalinga didn't float your boat.

I've spent a lovely few hours in Stephen's bakery learning at his feet, so to speak, and learnt quite a lot.

Try the Olive Ciabatta ... it is just wonderful and is the bread that is responsible for starting me on the path of wanting to make my own sourdough. (I like this one so much I even have loaves in the freezer for those days when I get cravings and can't get fresh ones!)

And while I'm now pretty proud of my efforts ... I will go out of my way to get my mitts on one of Stephen's olive ciabatta loaves!!


KazaKhan®© 2006 July 25

I'm sad to hear the Morpeth Sourdough Casalinga didn't float your boat.
I found it to be very bland although the texture of the crumb was excellent. I'll get around to trying everything they have to offer.
On another note the TAFE cafe certainly does have a big coffee machine thingy

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 July 25

Oh Good Lord!

A Big Coffee Machine Thingy!

What hours could one pop over the road and get a coffee from the Big Coffee Machine Thingy?

Desperately yours,



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