Don's Vienna White with Don's Starter

Bill44's picture

Don (Donyeokl) sent me some of his starter to try out and give my opinion of it. The report on the starter will be a separate post.
To try out his starter what better than his own Vienna White recipe that I have made twice before and am familiar with.
The pictures follow without any comment from me, apart from saying it tastes very good for what I think it is.


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nina 2006 July 2

Well they sure look good! And the slashes are really perfect.
Just curious, was the crumb of the unslashed baguette much different from the others?

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 July 2

Nina, the one that appears to be unslashed actually has a long slash down the side, which is the way Don slashes this recipe. The crumb pictures you see are from this little loaf.

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