Where is Bill??


Is it true, has he gone into exile

375 users have voted.


Normbake 2006 June 29

Yes yes lets dedicate this thread to Bill, come back Bill and show us more of your bread.
We dread you are lost Bill please come back and show us more of your bread.We tell no lie we want to see more of your rye...
We won't offer any LAME excuses please pop your head in to check out our sour bread.
Kind regards Normbake

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 June 28

Sucks doesn't it? He'll be pissed and come back to find a multitude of posts!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 June 28

"So where is the passion when you need it the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost "

No....Bill...you get back here and get the magic going!

"Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong"

I think it's fixed No?

COFFIN GIRL's picture
COFFIN GIRL 2006 June 28

hey it sure does suck..... I am one of the guilty ones who reads more than posts. EVERY day I jump on here, have a look and am always always interested in what our dear baking pal Bill gets up to. hopefully if enough of us protest we might get dear Bill back......COME ON BILL.... LET US SEE YOUR STUFF!!!!

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