ABA Gatherings 2008

Graham's picture

ABA baking workshops are being organised in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria (Australia) for August - September 2008.

This year's workshops will be held over a 2 day period, so that we can include sourdough starter and leaven making. Gatherings are for home bakers and professional bakers...in particular we would like to see more home bakers attend and 'partner up' with a professional and exchange tips.

Details will be posted here.
259 users have voted.


Danubian's picture
Danubian 2008 April 9
Thanks, Graham.

Looks like a busy schedule for the ABA this year, great! Look forward to catching up with a few forum names/faces.

Graham's picture
Graham 2008 April 9
There are a few good bakeries in Tasmania and, of course, good ol' Alan Scott. We just have to get their attention and assure them that people would turn up.
TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2008 April 9
If the August dates fall within 16th and 24th, as well as 30/8 to 1/9, there's a good chance of me joining something somewhere. Boonderoo is too early for me, by a week...besides, it looks a bit complicated to reach. The family is looking forward to a holiday in Tasmania...we haven't covered it yet.
foggyforge 2008 April 19
hi, there is a mention in the latest   ABA newsletter about of  St Andrews bakery and Ken & Thomas.(are you out there Ken & Thomas?)i would be interested if they are doing workshop.I have chalenges with baking .We are presently building 2 cob ovens and baking in  home oven ,but have issues .Like to refine the techniques before
we finish the big ovens.
I would love to 'parner up'.If you read this
Ken & Thomas please  get in touch.I have left mesage with your
answering  elf [ :-) ],perhaps it has not passed on the mesage
Regards , foggyforge (Bela)
Graham's picture
Graham 2008 June 16
Hi all,

Artisan Baker Association are please to announce a 1 day sourdough baking gathering in Brisbane. The event will take place in a fully equiped bakery at the Ekka (a big and friendly community show/festival) on August 10, 2008, in Brisbane, Australia. Thank you to NBIA for kindly providing us with this space.

Absolutely everyone is invited to attend and view the demonstration. Additionally, ABA members are encouraged to actively participate in the bake and receive personal tuition. Please come prepared to get your hands in the dough. An apron and baker's cap will be provided.

This is a free event, except for any entry fees to the Ekka showgrounds. If you have a friend or family there is lots to do besides our event...so bring them along. We will be baking all day on August 10. Come along at a time that suits you.

Our guest bakers for the day are Jesse Downes and Rob Booth from Flour Bakery on the Gold Coast. These are absolutely 2 of Australia's finest artisan bakers...Jesse trained with  his dad, John, and has experience at several Australian bakeries. Jesse is now managing the bake at Flour. Rob trained at Milawa Factory as well as having prior baking experience as a qualified baker.

Come along!
rossnroller 2009 August 7
These events look fantastic. Just wondering if any such events are planned for 2009, and if so, where and when? I'd certainly attend if in Perth or surrounds, and would consider travelling interstate.

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