Note: Did a broken link lead you to this page? Please contact me; and let me know about it. I'd love to help you find what you're looking for.HiI’d like to let you know about some changes that we’re almost ready to implement on the site. I really want to hear what everyone thinks of these changes, so please comment.The site is made up of a few separate pieces of software. The forum, the gallery, shop and blogs. This requires you to sign up multiple times, repeating the same information. It could be better. That’s why we are moving to a CMS (Content Management System). It’s just the one piece of software, that has everything together. The one login for everything. The CMS is also going to make it a lot easier to create and manage content (we’re even thinking of having a recipe area with categories). The CMS will allow us to update the site more regularly too. At the moment we have a bunch of static html pages that are hard to maintain, meaning it’s difficult to update the site when we want to. With the CMS we will also be able to have things like newsletters and RSS feeds. There’s a whole bunch of positives but there’s one negative.
We can’t use our current forum software (phpBB) with the CMS. Instead we would use a much simpler forum. It wouldn’t be as feature full as phpBB, and it would feel a little strange at first. It would be a simple, easy to use forum, still with BBCode, Smilies and the ability to post pics, but with some things missing that you have grown to love. For example, the current forum home page has a ‘Last Post’ column and a direct link [img] to that post, where as the new forum doesn't. How important is it to have a full featured forum?Also, we wont be able to transfer existing PM's to the new site, but I will be able to retrieve old ones on request.Thank youMaedi
Sounds good, Maedi. I don't use the Last Post feature anyway. Instead, I click on the threads highlighted in red, which are new since my last visit (which is often ).
When is this going to happen?
Well, that's good that you don't use that feature. The new forum has something similar to the one you do use.
We hope to start any day now. .We have someone doing all the wizardry for us, and they're almost ready to begin. It's just a matter of finalizing our plans and finding a suitable time for them. During the transfer I'll take the forum and gallery offline so that new posts aren't lost, and I expect this to be for a maximum of 2 days. If anyone would like me to notify them when the sites back up, just give me a quick comment or pm.
sounds good,
but i wouldn't move too quick.
possible group mail out or even pm since most people would have pm notification on should be done first
i had some PMs with recipes and would have to lose those or waste your time to get them back
Hi Maedi. Maybe I should start a new thread, but probably doesn't matter... I often browse this site on an iPad, but oddly it's impossible to comment. The Subject field is selectable, and type can be entered, but the Comments field can neither be selected nor type entered.
I also tried with the Atomic browser rather than Safari, and connected a bluetooth keyboard thinking the tab or arrow keys might provide access, but nothing works.
It's hardly a monumental problem, as it's easy to get around by posting with the laptop or desktop - but if there's a simple solution would be nice to be able to post with the iPod.
Edit: from the post below, yes I should have started a new thread (sorry, TedinOz!).
Hi Maedi,
All sounds good. Looking forward to the new format.
For those wanting to save PM content before the change maybe they could just copy and paste to a document? I have done this succesfully so I can keep the message on my hard drive.
Keep up the good work on a great site :)
Hey Ted, this post was from 2007 and most of these changes have been made... but we're always improving things, so please do look forward to it! Current PM's are safe. Cheers
@Kym Aware of iPad problem. Estimate a fix in the coming months as the developers of the Editor catch on.
Hey Ted, this post was from 2007 and most of these changes have been made... but we're always improving things, so please do look forward to it! Current PM's are safe. Cheers
@Kym Aware of iPad problem. Estimate a fix in the coming months as the developers of the Editor catch on.
Maedi I feel like such a goose! I must train myself to look more closely at dates of posts. Anyway I still think it's a great site. Thank you for being so generous in the way you alerted me to my over-site. ;)
Ok, thanks Maedi.
And Ted, it's my fault... I should have started a new thread instead of tacking my request onto an old one. I think it's good that you can reply to old posts here, but it does mean threads can become time-warped...