some recent loaves

Ian Abendschoen
straight dough retarded overnight
Ciabatta dusted with Rye

Hey everyone its been awhile since I have posted I have been very buy prospecting trying to gain some partnership to get my bakehouse and cafe off the ground. Figure I would share a few loaves out of my home kitchen.




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HelenF 2012 September 17

Hi Ian,

They look sensational.  I'm only new to the forums so I don't know about your project to open a bakehouse - I'd be interested to hear what you are planning.


Ian Abendschoen 2012 September 17

Helen are you local? Id much rather discuss that in a private message. I Have had some really great opportunities lately with a few projects but they fell thru unfortunately so now i am back at square one without the financials to cover my goals soley. but everything is completely designed top and bottom. menus, storefront layout, equiptment etc. just trying to make it all happen

Ian Abendschoen 2012 September 17

I have been really getting myself out there locally that is as there isnt anyone close that can offer what my objective is. Should be pairing up with a local reputable food blog to do a demo and an article for some things

HelenF 2012 September 17

Hi Ian,

Sorry, I figured that you were just following on from a previous forum thread about your project and I assumed all discussion was in the public realm.  I don't know where local is for this group but I'm in Brisbane northside.


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