So many flours, grains, etc. to try

108 breads's picture
108 breads

With a desire to expand beyond my sourdough breads of wheat, spelt and rye, I have put together a table of different flours, beans, grains, etc. that can be ground and made into flour or cooked and added to doughs. I had to get my head around where to find the flours. Now all I can dream about is getting grains locally and milling them myself.

This is not a fruit-in-the-bread project. I want to use substances for making bread in contrast to putting stuff in bread. I believe that stuff belongs in between the bread slices of a sandwich and not actually baked in the bread. Personal preference.

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Alicia Barnett's picture
Alicia Barnett 2016 February 2


I am really interested to read your table but I'm finding it very difficult to see the words due to the colours used. Is there any other way I can read it?

farinam's picture
farinam 2016 February 3

Hello Alicia,

Yes, the colours are not very web friendly.  If you select the contents of the table by left clicking at the top left and dragging down to the bottom right, the text becomes readable.

Good luck with your projects.


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