Quick Rise Starter, then a Collapse!

After 1 hour
After 2 hours
After 3 hours
After 4 hours

I'm carrying on from my earlier thread, because I can't post follow up pictures there:



Thanks for the replies.
I've undertaken a bit of research to establish how quickly my starter rises, and falls.
The pictures below were all taken in my kitchen at a temperature of about 22 degC (72 degF).
I began by allowing my starter to come to room temperature from the fridge. I then poured away about half the

volume and then added 1/2 cup of rye flour and 1/2 cup of water followed by a good stir.

I transferred about 120 ml in a measuring jug seen alongside the main starter container in the first photo.

The rest of the pictures show progress hour by hour:

After 1 hour:

2 hours:

3 hours:

So, after 3 hours, it's as good as it gets for my starter at room temperature.

4 hours:

Note the starter in the measuring jug has collapsed.

Can anyone suggest how I ought to time my bread making in light of these results?



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farinam's picture
farinam 2011 November 30

Hello Steve,

Seems you've got a very hungry beasty there.  Interesting that the large container showed no signs of collapse - possibly because the structure was not 'stretched' as far - say 3 times in the beaker vs only two times in the lunch box.

As a start I would look at four hours - two hours for bulk ferment, two hours proving.

The only caveat would be that your starter is pure rye (as I read it) and the rate might be a bit different with a different mix of flour in the dough.  As I said in my previous response, pay attention to what is happening to the dough and be prepared to adjust if things are going faster or slower.

Hope this helps and let us know how you go.


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