Newbie in Queensland


I've been lurking around the site for a good few months now, finally got around to registering the other day and it's time to say hello :)

I've been interested in baking bread for years, but never really fully took the plunge, just made a few loaves from recipes in my general baking books now and again. They usually turned out like bricks and were not a great deal of fun so I never really pursued it...

Since finding this site (and TFL) I've been bitten by the bug. I managed to get a starter going back in September, and I've been baking once or twice a week, mostly working with Wild Yeast's Norwich Sourdough formula, which is becoming very successful. I'm looking at attempting some other breads now and the cupboard is starting to fill up with various flours (my husband is stratching his head and asking if we really need so many sorts of flour?) and I'm starting a reasonable collection of baking paraphenalia. I'm hoping there's a baking stone under the Christmas tree for me this year :)

Looking forward to joining everyone on this baking journey, hello also to all the Aussies on the site, it's great to know there are other people with a sourdough addiction around!

251 users have voted.


Taringa 2010 December 26

Thanks for the welcome :) Once I manage to work out how to upload photos I'll get some pics up. My loaves aren't the most photogenic as yet but they're improving bit by bit and the taste has been great.

Maedi's picture
Maedi 2010 December 26

Photos are simple! Start a new or edit your existing topic and use the 'Upload Photo Form'. Very soon you will see this form in comments too.

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