Date Loaf


Does anybody have a good recipe for a date loaf.

352 users have voted.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 October 19

That's quite similar to my chocolate cake...but 2 3/4 C sugar is way too much...I use 2 or even less. Sometimes, I add 2t instant coffee melted in 3T hot water plus a melted bar of chocolate, to make it extra decadent. Get thee away from me, chocolate cake! I'm still fighting off the lbs collected from mooncakes.

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 October 19

Everything is similar in baking and cooking!
I ride a bike so the moon cakes haven't fazed me yet!
C'mon how many did you gain, yikes!


carla's picture
carla 2006 October 19

[quote="matthew"]'s the first time I've ever heard of a serviette or napkin being called a nappy.
To me a nappy is only ever something that goes on a baby to catch waste products, whether cloth or disposable.
This is not an object where confusion of meaning is be encouraged, particularly at meal time!

Well matthew - I was very astonished too when somebody on one of my first NZ BBQ's (a terrible experience by the way for any non-NZlander!!) said: Could you pass a nappy please...

I had no idea why he wanted baby's rubbish disposal's - while turning the sausages... Turned out they were paper serviettes.

And I have heard it often since.

Maybe it is a Northland aberration???

bianchifan's picture
bianchifan 2006 October 19

hey nappy carla, don't mess me up with napkins..nappy..where's the problem? mummy, daddy, puppy.. nappy..
maybe it's cloths, maybe its tissue.. serviettes also can be both.., pardon, one of them
I do say: Black napkins ..if ya know what I mean

But date? Ok, I realized it's a kind of fruit from palm trees.
So I know what it is.
Normally date is a timebased I'm an IT-Specialist allmy doings turn riound date, data, daten, it mybe a piece of abstract information.
Botanically date? I do not live in Marocco, in Cannes, Nizza, on Mainau there grow palms, but dates I've never seen, only in fruit shops with other names

TP..unicorn with data eyes... and cover or better run, run, run ..

Normbake 2006 October 19

thanks for the reply's yes please Jeremy can you post your dateloaf recipe/formula. I'm going to have a go at making some apple cider shortly any one offer any advice ...

I made the big mistake of not cleaning bread starter bowl and moulds formed around the bowl but managed to save starter.
Cheers Normbake

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 October 20

Normbake, feel free to add more dates!

TP ... you should see a 'select text' tool at the top of the pdf page.

I'm off ... today is cake day!

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 October 18

Please post, Carol! Somehow recipes with a lotta fibre help take away some guilt Correction: take away ALL the guilt, lol.

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 October 18

Carol's Step-monster's Super Simple Date Cake!

2 cups All Bran
2 cups milk
1 cup chopped dates
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

* soak all these together *

125gm melted butter
2-3 cups self raising flour

This will make enough for two loaf tins. Bake in a very slow oWen - about 160C - for one hour, maybe 1 and a quarter hours. Perhaps even a bit cooler in a fan forced oven.

It is very delicious, especially when well-smeared with MORE BUTTER!!



bianchifan's picture
bianchifan 2006 October 18

It's all Greek to me!
Date loaf? Chopped dates?

I've absolutely no idea what a "Datenlaib" should be or "Informationshäppchen"

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 October 18

Thanks, Carol! Sounds good! It's the date season here...all imported from the middle east...because it's the fasting month and dates are popularly eaten when fast is broken.

carla's picture
carla 2006 October 19

It's all Greek to me!
Date loaf? Chopped dates? I've absolutely no idea what a "Datenlaib" should be or "Informationshäppchen"

Yes "english" - my dear!
Unfortunately the English do not have as many words available (or won't use them) as the Germanics do (who seem to have 5 words for each item or more) so they use each word several times with sometimes (for me) very funny connections:

for example:
a square piece of cloth is a nappy.
On the table it turns into a nappy (napkin) = Serviette,
on a baby's bum it turns into a nappy = Windel.

so "dates" can be lots of very different things:
1. time (age, century, course, day, era, generation, hour, moment, period, quarter, reign, year...)
2. engagement (appointment, assignation, call, interview, meeting...)
3. friend (boyfriend, companion, escort, friend, girlfriend, lover, partner...)
4. assign time (chronicle, determine, measure, record, register...)
5. fruit (of the date palm) ... edjool.jpg

And a date loaf
is a cake thats been mixed together - with dates in it - and baked in a loaf tin (similar to what I use to bake my breads in bianchifan!).

All clear now??

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 October 19

TP, we love dates at our house! And prunes, too! One of our friends is from Bangladesh and is currently enduring Ramadan ... poor thing! Of course, working with a bunch of Australians and others who can eat what and when they want, I think he finds it all a bit difficult sometimes. Some of my husband's lunch boxes of yummy leftovers get to him a little!! Very recently he said to hubby, "Oooh, that looks great! Is that lamb??" Unfortunately for him it was pork! I think his greatest torment though is insensitive colleagues standing on the other side of his office window eating donuts!! But we're going to his house for lunch once Ramadan ends ... can't wait because he and his wife are doing the cooking!! yum yum yummity yum!

Jeremy ... yes, very fine date loaf photograph there! It is so nice ... I have had that recipe since I was a kid! And what's with your new avatar?


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 October 19

Hi Carol,
we make sticky toffee pudding here for many a party, good stuff! And prunes, mmm just stewed are heavenly, or made as a Far Breton,mmmmmmmmmm! We get Israeli dates, and even had some incredible ones from the farmers market once in Santa Monica!

That pic is me in 1972 or 3, was embarassed by the Frank Sinatra blue eye's commentary by you know who , it must of been the plum tart that made her so sweet!

Ta! Jeremy

matthew 2006 October 19


Isn't language an interesting subject, the concept of using sounds to represent objects and ideas, and then symbols to represent those sounds. Then allowing the users to modify the rules and make up new sounds and corresponding symbol combinations to to cope with new experiences, and/or just to sound different from their parents! Lots of scope for confusion there, no wonder groups of people develop their favourites and just stick with these.

There are people who assert that the variety of words used is decreasing, that is people are doing what you descibe, widening the use of one word with a general meaning and reducing the use of words with more specific meanings. But in other areas people are inventing new words with specific meanings, or assigning new meanings to old words.

But it's the first time I've ever heard of a serviette or napkin being called a nappy. To me a nappy is only ever something that goes on a baby to catch waste products, whether cloth or disposable. This is not an object where confusion of meaning is be encouraged, particularly at meal time!


SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 October 19

Sticky Date/Toffee Pudding.

Jeremy, now you really must post your recipe for that!

[b]TP[/b] ... Alexander's 5th birthday is on Saturday and he has requested a 'chocolate cake with marshmallows on top'. Before I simply make a chocolate cake and cover it with marshmallows (!), have you got any fabulous ideas for making it rather more splendid?


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 October 19

I've a 5yo too...birthday Dec 30 and she wants a 3D UNICORN cake plus something else!

Can you find coloured mini marshmallows? If you can't, you can snip the big ones smaller...if they get sticky, just roll them in an half cornflour and half icing sugar mix. Then assemble a simple mosaic pattern....for eg. 'A' for Alex or a big 5? Your chocolate cake is going to be covered in choc ganache? Sounds delicious...will make one very happy birthday boy.

Happy Birthday, Alexander!!!

SourYumMum's picture
SourYumMum 2006 October 19

Good thinking, TP. I've bought a bag of the little coloured marshmallows, so I'll get another one or two and smother it!!

Yes, ganache, for the licking of spoons!!

(edit) ... and thanks for the waving smiley, he thinks it's hilarious!

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 October 19

Ultimate decadence!

Eat your heart out!


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