I thought I'd post this topic as it did arise in another thread. Some bread made today exhibits the practice clearly.
Below; two loaves from the same dough scaled at the same weight, proved in the same baskets yet cutting/slashing made a significant difference to the type of expansion, appearance and charcater of the final loaf. Behold the art and craft of baking which is responsive to every touch.
Aesthetics aside, the horizontal cuts, spaced in this manner, will not be adequate, right? Did the loaf burst at the bottom?
the pics i was talking about are in my gallery now if you'd care to have a look, would love your opinion on how i'm doing! of the two loaves, the one on the right was the wetter one, with less salt. It was slashed, but filled the slash out (i didnt go anywhere near deep enough). the crumb was good, and the flavour was pretty much what i was aiming for. I cant wait to get back to my mixer, and really work the dough in the initial stages, as i find it hard to develop enough by hand when it is that wet. the other loaf was slashed a bit deeper, and while not as pretty as yours still opened up and had a great internal structure.
I've only been at it for four months, so am really excited about getting it better. by this time next year, it may even look as good as the amazing bread on this blog!
I don't have a pic of the other that shows this detail but I'm sure you get the idea. It's very round and upright.
As a side note, it could have been baked just a little longer.
is a good bread no matter how it's slashed. Lovely crumb. Thanks for the pix, Boris.