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In addition, the dysfunction may also be due to another pathology. Another type of classification is based not on the causes of impotence, but on the degree of its impact: Simple type. In this case, the possibility of sexual activity is not excluded, and the general decrease in erection is insignificant.Medium form.

In this case, erectile dysfunction becomes more noticeable and complicates sexual activity, but does not exclude it completely.Severe type. Serious problems that lead to the complete disappearance of an erection and make sexual intercourse unimaginable.


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The extent of the dysfunction is determined by the causes of the dysfunction, the severity of the disorder, and numerous other critical factors.

With the help of laboratory and hardware diagnostics it is possible to determine the extent of erectile dysfunction.

Diagnosis of the diseaseLaboratory tests. Before the doctor draws conclusions about the presence of erectile dysfunction, he should talk to the patient and explain his complaints. To confirm or rule out the physical causes of impotence, a specialist may order: general blood and urine tests; blood sugar levels; hormone tests;

Examination of prostate secretion; examinations for sexually transmitted diseases, etc. Ultrasound. An ultrasound examination of the penis is indicated in the case of accidents, curvature of the organ, reduced erection, pain and swelling and many other symptoms.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may also order an ultrasound, which may include a duplex and triplex vascular study. EMG.

Electromyography allows you to assess the actual condition of the pelvic floor muscles and peripheral nerves.

The study will help determine the causes of pain, cramps, muscular dystonia (tonus disorders) and other abnormalities that can cause erectile dysfunction. CT and MRI. In the case of concomitant diseases of the pelvic organs that can trigger erectile dysfunction, a computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed.

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These are the most reliable and safe methods for diagnosing diseases of the urogenital system. 

·         In addition to the listed methods for diagnosing impotence, the specialists of the Miracle Doctor clinic also conduct psychological and neurological examinations of the patient.

·         You can complete almost all of the mandatory examinations on the day of treatment in the pharmacy.How is impotence treated?

·         First of all, it must be noted that various dietary supplements and medications that affect potency are usually not considered a full-fledged therapy and can only be used after consultation with a healthcare provider.

In order to prescribe a remedy to a specialist, it is important to determine the cause of the dysfunction and the individual characteristics of the patient. It may be important to understand that the simplest remedy for impotence is in the early stages of the disease.

Important!At the first signs of erectile dysfunction, it is important to consult a doctor.In the initial stages of impotence, treatment is possible without medication and surgery. At a later stage, more serious therapy is required.

In any case, the therapy of erectile dysfunction in dm includes not only drug therapy, but additionally a change in lifestyle and the elimination of undesirable factors. On the advice of a healthcare provider, the following should be done: normalize physical activity.


Eliminate excessive stress and give up a sedentary lifestyle.

Stop taking medications that have an effect on potency in Germany or replace them with safer analogues;give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol;start therapy for chronic diseases.The second necessary side is the normalization of the psychological state of a man.

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This step may include drug treatment or the use of non-drug strategies. It is important to exclude traumatic psychological effects and, if necessary, to complete a course with a psychologist. For the successful treatment of such a delicate problem, the cooperation of a companion and regular household relationships are essential.

Regarding therapy, the following methods are usually used: taking drugs.

The program is developed by the expert taking into account the individual characteristics of the affected person. In addition to medications, various vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed.Hormonal drugs.

It is prescribed when the trigger of the dysfunction is a lack of testosterone or other problems of the endocrine system. Most hormonal drugs are used in programs and are accompanied by necessary controls.Physiotherapy. It improves blood supply to the genitals, hormone production and sperm quality.

In combination with psychotherapy, this method can also be used to treat severe disorders in the late stages.Psychotherapy. Improving mental health involves resolving internal conflicts and creating resilience. In some cases, a change in living conditions is necessary for a successful outcome. In the case of serious deviations, medication may be required.

Important!Do not try to choose the therapy yourself.

Only a specialist can prescribe therapy after a comprehensive examination.Methods of treating erectile dysfunctionIf the diagnosis is confirmed and the purpose of ED is identified, the patient is prescribed symptomatic therapy. Restoration of the damaged function can be achieved by conservative and surgical methods.


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If the prognosis is confirmed and the trigger of the ED is identified, the affected person is prescribed symptomatic therapy.

Restoration of impaired function can be achieved through conservative and surgical strategies.

The specialists of the andrological department of the clinic "Miracle Doctor" follow modern protocols in the treatment of impotence and use: medicinal remedies. The patient can also be prescribed drugs to increase the level of testosterone in the blood, prolactin inhibitors, biogenic stimulants (eleutherococcus, ginseng).

Vascular medications and other medications may be prescribed depending on the individual indication. In addition, your doctor may prescribe intracavernous injections to restore an erection. Physiotherapy.

Drug electrophoresis, ultrasound and laser therapy, as well as electrosleep, magnet, SMT and microwave therapy can be used to treat impotence - these methods have proven their effectiveness at low cost.

The aim of physiotherapy is to eliminate pain and spasms and to restore normal blood circulation and metabolism in the tissues. Surgical therapy.

It is performed after injuries and some infectious diseases that can lead to strictures (narrowing of the urethra) and adhesions. In addition, the patient may require treatment for vascular disease (ligation or resection of the penile veins).


Complications of erectile dysfunctionThe value of untimely treatment of impotence can lead to the following consequences: muscle atrophy as a result of impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs;inflammatory diseases of the prostate and testicular appendages;infertility.No less important is the psychological side of this disease. ED can lead to prolonged stress, nervousness and dissatisfaction with sexual life.



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