Rallying around Proof Bread to keep city from shutting them down.


"One of our own" is facing a crisis and I hope this groiup can help. 

Some of you may be familair with Proof Bread -- a family-owned bakery in Mesa Az. They are a success story on every level -- bought a failed bakery operating (legally) out of a garage, scraped and bought and fixed up old machines, reworked electrical, ventilation, everything you can imagine and became one of the most prized busiensses in the area, selling mostly through farmer's markets.

They also started a YouTube channel that has added much to the knowledge base of sourdough, and have been advocates for responsible business practices and responsible agriculatural prartices. 

A neighbor has complained about them and now the city is reneging on a promise to give them time to move. As well, their daughter has been diagnosed with a serious, progrdessive neurological disorder. 

I hope some of you will cosnider writing to the mayort of Mesa to give him the guts to stand up against this one compaliner and recognize this is a time for governmmnent to be helping, not hurting, their local businesses. We don;t neddc to take sides on the zoming isuse, just ask the city to excercise some forebearance and empathy at a time like this.  

If you are on Imstagr4am, here is the owner Jon's summarty of their situatiomn. 


Mayor Giles can be reached at [email protected]

Thanks for any help you can offer.  



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