Bourke Street Bakery

This is the type of place you don't want to find via a review. It's better to just stumble across Bourke Street or hear a friend breath the words through a frothy coffee.

Don't confuse Bourke St with any embellished OC eatery. The beautiful people are here but they are not here for any other reason than to relax with good friends and eat good food. I have to be cautious writing this review because there is a possibility it will somehow alter what is already perfect.

Paul Allam and David McGuinness are respectively Baker and Pastry Chef. They also own the business, so high on the list is customer satisfaction. Ingredients are organic where possible. A sense of community in the city centre is just as important as high standard food.

The queue on Saturday morning can genuinely be seen on Google Earth. The bread, the cakes, the coffee. Extremely edible is all that needs to be said.

Sourdough enthusiasts might be interested to know that Bourke Street use the wet leaven technique (100% hydration) rather than a drier, stiffer leaven. They make 100% sourdough and a yeasted version labelled as 'semi sourdough'.

02 9699 1011
Corner Bourke and Devonshire Street
Surry Hills NSW
Artisan Baker Association Standards: 
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