Pizza stone substitute?


 I've heard you can use unglazed terracotta tiles (say two decent sized ones laid next to each other) instead of a pizza stone. They're tempting because they're cheap! Can anyone confirm that these do the job as well or well enough?



308 users have voted.


mondomama 2010 March 10

 Not sure about the terracotta; terracotta may draw too much moisture. I'm using a slab of marble, which works wonderfully. 


rossnroller 2010 March 10

 Hi Spuddery

Pizza stones are pretty cheap, too - I got mine for $7 at a Kitchenwarehouse sale. I can't imagine much better value than that! Even full price, they're only $20, but you can almost always pick them up discounted cheaper than that. (Outside Australia, I don't know what the price is, but I can't imagine it would be much different).

As for terracotta tiles, I'm sure they work perfectly well, but you'd want to make sure there was no lead used in their manufacture - there often is, and it's not always easy to find out whether that's the case in a particular brand (or even who the manufacturer is!). I gave up trying and settled for a pizza stone. It's hardly been out of my oven since!


PS: I haven't heard of marble being used until now, mondomama - like that idea!

spuddery 2010 March 10

 Thanks guys - that's really helpful. I wouldn't have been able to come up with the reasoning re: moisture myself. 

I think I'll probably try and find a pizza stone (hopefully on sale!) in the end but I'll drop by Bunnings and check out this marble too. 

Thanks again,


Zoe 2010 March 13

I used two pizza stones stacked on top of each other - bought them for $1 each at op shop/garage sales.  Lots of people throw them out after one or two uses (if that).

CayoKath 2010 March 15

Terracotta may contain heavy metals that you don't want in your food.  A stone is so worth the investment. 

jem 2010 March 17

when I was following a recipie that said to mist water on your stone - yes it was just a mist.

So I got some bricks I had in the yard and I use them instead. After all, the whole point is to emulate a brick oven.

Works a treat, though it does take a while to preheat (it helps that they are the hollow type). Stores heat well though, and it's cheap!

Karniecoops's picture
Karniecoops 2010 April 4

I use a left over floor tile in my oven and it works a dream - its not terracotta, but has a slate looking surface. I've been using it for well over a year now, even took it with me when i shifted house!  Like Ross, mine never leaves the oven :o)

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