Weights and Measures Conversion Tool

Graham's picture

[b]Weights and Measures Conversion Tool:[/b]

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bethesdabakers's picture
bethesdabakers 2006 March 16

Dear Graham,

What on earth is a tall beer and a regular beer?

I'm sure I wouldn't be seen dead drinking a regular beer but I'd like to know how to avoid one.


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 March 16

sounds suspicious doesn't it? While serving in the Army in Germany during the cold war, it was our duty to consume large amounts of said beverage and they came in different drinking implements, boots, bowls, bottles, etc....My favourite were 2 liter steins in Munich in the sunny beer gardens, that and a pretzel with ham and butter! Don't fret about this though, Graham undoubtedly will have a good explanation, perhaps it's a childs portion?


Graham's picture
Graham 2006 March 17

Hi Mick and Jeremy

Unfortunately I have no answer for this one. I did just assume it was a US thing. But Jeremy, are you saying that you have not heard of 'Tall Beers'?

The conversion that results from turning one 'tall' beer into a 'regular' beer could be a clue to someone out there who is sober enough to lift their head off the bar and let us know what this is all about:

1 tall can (500 ml, or 16 oz) of beer is equal to 1.33 regular cans (350 ml, or 12 oz) of beer.
(It doesn't matter if you have ml or oz beers; the difference in the ratio between ml and oz beers is only 0.000005 cans of beer.).

Could this be a Canadian measure?


Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 March 17

Well I cant speak for the other states in Aus. but here in NSW the most popular size is called a "Schooner" = 15 fl oz. The next most popular is a "Middy" = 10 fl oz. Some places have a pint = 20 fl oz. and in the hot dry regions out west some people drink a "Pony" = 7 fl oz, on account of the heat.
Most people regard a Pony as a ladies size glass, but a [b]real[/b] Aussie girl will drink Schooner for Schooner with her man.

SourDom 2006 March 17

well, I have to say that I am way out of my usual sphere of expertise.

In Victoria the usual measure for beer is a 'pot' (drunk not smoked), which comes in a glass, but is different from asking for a 'glass' of beer. A pot is the same as a South Australian schooner, but less than you would get asking for a schooner in New South Wales. You could ask for a pint if you were feeling thirsty, but again New South Welshmen must be thirstier than their Taswegian or South Australian counterparts, because in those states a pint is less than a pint (if you get my drift).

and no, I haven't been drinking.

have a look at [url]http://www.cooperspubs.com/glass_sizes_aussie.htm[/url] if you have a burning desire to understand all of this...


Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 March 17

Hi Graham and forum members,
After much thought and a cobweb of memories, I recall that in Germany there were or was a certain glass size called export a smaller size than a some of the different shaped drinking vessels, for us GI's we prefered it cold and big, a usual American way of drinking and thinking! As for pot that is another story!It seems Oz and most other countries have a true Pub culture, unfortunatley our republic didn't inherit any of those good habits of the English, Irish and Germans who know what good beer is!It's rather peculiar or just coincedence but on Dan Lepards site there is a thread about brewing at home, and on my interviews with Dan and Amy Scherber, a baker from NYC, we talked about beer and bread and the difference as well as their similarity, bread being solid beer in form!


TJ's picture
TJ 2006 July 11

Hey an Idea here...

I'm a programmer / tech support by trade. Would there be any use in me writing up a bakers % calculator?. If someone can give me the info I can write it.


FlourGirl 2006 March 21

*laugh* I haven't heard it that way round yet. Back home in Germany I have heard many people argue the other way round: that beer is just bread in liquid form, so why bother with the food...

cheers, -FlourGirl

Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2006 March 25

"laugh" Because beer isn't baked? Or you don't get drunk eating bread? Not sure but I am starting to agree!


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 July 13

*Bumping this up*

Thanks so much, Tony, for your offer. I'm not one to really bother about %s or hydration levels, though I should, if I want to get serious about reproducing a same bread.But, the times I wanted to work out some figures, I used [url=http://www.glennbech.com/bakerspercentage/index.html]Glenn's Calculator[/url]. Has anyone else tested it out? I get a bit confused about the sponge and dough being segregated. If there are some suggestions for Tony, perhaps he could work at it?

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2006 July 13

I tell ya...I can be such a dimwit. I just found out that Bill and Jeremy have provided some calculators [url=http://www.sourdough.com.au/learn/tools/]right here[/url], using Excel. I guess,Tony, you can have a go at it in java if you're keen.

p/s Jeremy, the Pain Quotidien recipe worksheet doesn't seem to work for me. The left side looks like it's cut off.

Normbake 2006 July 28

Hi TP yep I've just found a lot of stuff here too I should read more of the posts...
looked at bills 10 finger mixer and then discovered a whole lot of posts in the beginners area
oh well never mind goodnite

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