Proving/Rising - Varying temperatures


In proving the dough for direct yeast and levain/yeast dough I have been ensuring that the dough is at 24-28 deg C at the start of proving. My normal room temp is 20 degC and the dough gets colder over the proving period. I have a German oven that has a bread proving setting and when I measure the oven temperature on this setting it is 30-34degC. If I put the dough in the oven on the proving setting I keep overproving the dough - which results in flat hard bread!! Can anybody help me with the correct temperature for proving the dough and if I use the proving setting in the oven do I have to shorten the proving time and does this effect the flavour of the bread?


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nina 2007 August 15

Higher temperatures does speed up dough fermentation. The temperature also affects the taste, as different temperatures favour different microorganism. I'm pretty clueless as to what the differences are, but read more here: ... mysta.html

I usually prove my own breads at 20 deg C (room temperature, probably colder in the winter and warmer in the summer) and it works just fine. I also use cold water straight from the tap because I don't bother to heat it and that also works well. As long as you know when the dough has risen enough I don't think it matters all that much if bulk fermentation takes 3 or 4 hours. At least not for a home baker. I think it's more important to find a schedule and method that fits YOU.

If you prefer higher temperatures for proving but you oven is too warm it might be a good idea to find a warm spot in your home. I always prove my rye breads on top of the oil burner, because the temperature is a few degrees higher there than the rest of the house.

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