Oven peel


Im looking to buy an oven peel here in Australia, the only peel I can find is TMB in the states. Can anyone help?

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Danubian's picture
Danubian 2007 June 27

It depends what type of peel you are looking for. By that I mean are you looking for a peel for a commercial bakery to be used on a setter oven with a deep baking chamber, or are you looking for a short handled pizza oven peel?

If you require a long handled peel, I'd suggest one of the oven importers such as [url=http://www.rvo.com.au/main.htm][b]RVO Enterprises[/b][/url] who import [url=http://www.polin.it/html_pane_artigianale/forni_camere.html][b]Polin[/b][/url] setter ovens, they'll be able to supply you with a peel typical for an oven of those dimentions. However, if you're looking for the latter option I'd suggest one of the catering equipment supply houses eg. Caterers Warehouse, etc.

[b]Disclaimer:[/b] [size=85]I have no financial interest in any of these companies[/size]

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2007 June 28

I'm one of those wierd people who never uses a peel. I dump straight from my proving basket straight onto my baking stone.
People argue that the heat loss while the oven door is open will ruin the loaves, I don't have that problem, I have a rapid recovery oven and a good big ceramic baking stone and find that temperature is recovered in about 1 minute.

Danubian's picture
Danubian 2007 June 28

[quote="Bill44"]I'm one of those wierd people who never uses a peel. I dump straight from my proving basket straight onto my baking stone.
People argue that the heat loss while the oven door is open will ruin the loaves, I don't have that problem, I have a rapid recovery oven and a good big ceramic baking stone and find that temperature is recovered in about 1 minute.[/quote]

G'day Bill, sounds like a pretty good oven; but imagine the ease of cutting your dough pieces - or any other preparation that you fancy - outside the oven while the dough piece is on the peel; then loading it quickly with minimal heat loss, you might just be pleasantly surprised.

Besides, Bill, a handy bloke like you could make a really beautiful wooden peel, an artistic piece with beautiful figure in the grain. It sounds nice just to look at let alone utilising it!

Danubian's picture
Danubian 2007 June 28

This might be just the ticket for domestic use.


Or perhaps you're into metal rather than wood


Bill44's picture
Bill44 2007 June 28

Yes it is a good oven, double oven as a matter of fact, (list price $3000.00)and it came with a peel. Tried it once and went straight back to the method I've been using for the past 27 years.

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