Unfriendly Yeast


Hey guys, i only joined the forum 2 months ago but i have been keen baking for a while. Reading them every few days and have learned so much. Since i started baking from a starter derived from organic sultanas strange things have happened. The bread grows well, often with a nice crust and good crumb. I have experienced some nasty gastrointestinal turbulance, if you know what i mean. I am wondering if anyone out there has experience the same thing. The breads i have baked have been lovely but i think i may have an "unfriendly yeast" or at least one that loves to cause me trouble in the next day or two after a sour dough feast. I have a medical science background so if anyone wants to fire big mycology words at me i may be able to understand.

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Croc 2006 September 6

hi there

nothing like that happen to me
i wouldn't have a clue to what and why but what about alergies? what sort of reaction would you get if you developed some gluten intolerance?

but main thing i noticed is that it sounds like the troubles only hapen once, if this is correct i would think that something else made you sick.

Friendly_yeast 2006 September 6

You know that was the first thing i thought of or i had some pathology of my own,but it happened on 4 occasions with the same starter,only after eating my sourdough did i get the bloating. So i bought a sourdough from a nice bakery that only bakes sourdoughs and i didn't get the bloating. Could it be the yeast, is there anyway to test?

Croc 2006 September 6

oh so we talking bloating?

yes i get that too when i eat too much of my bread while is very fresh.

if i bake at night and don't go near bread till next day it doesn't happen.

Friendly_yeast 2006 September 6

Thanks for the reply, its exactly what i wanted to hear... I'm not alone!
I think your right, the effect seems to taper off after a few day(s) but my bread is heavy and tends to go a bit hard, is there anyway you know of to soften it up open up the holes further they seem a bit small. I have been doing the kneading rest, kneading rest, kneading rest, then chilling it in the fridge overnight and letting it rise on its own the next day prior to baking. The recipie makes a firm dough, its very much by eye cause the comos of flour change the consistancy of the dough. Does increasing the water content open the air holes a bit better? I want to make it soft so that like you i can enjoy my bread a few days later:P rather than eating pumpernickle

I have a paper on sourdough and its benefits, its a pretty good read, very convinvcing

http://www.soilandhealth.org/06clipfile ... ground.htm

Croc 2006 September 6

try the white viena from recipe section, it gives me HUGE holes
next to kneading i find that stretch and fold makes big difference as well
finally adding little bit of milk and replacing some of strong flour with plain flour can help
when you bake push your oven to top temperature and make sure is well preheated before you bake, and you might want to check your slashing to open up crumb more.
just for kicks next time make one long slash in midle from top to bottom and see what happens to your crumb

also adding up some oil to recipe will soften your bread a bit but can make your holes bit smaller too so don't over do it (start with 10gr) but you might find that it keeps better.

main difference i noticed in keeping qualities (and it gives best taste too) is to really bake your bread, it took me a while to go past the worry that i'm going to burn it but it is so worth.

bread that i cook in higher temperatures and one that is on edge of being burnt from bottom and top have the best taste and crust, and i love it even next day without toasting.
you will know you got it right if crust 6 hours after baking is still crusty, if you didn't "burn" your bread enough crust will go more on soft side after few hours so next time give it more heat.

i bake even small loaves at around 230-240 for 35-45min
they are almost all black on the bottom and very dark on top as well.
best if you use baking stone than it will be much harder to burn your bottom and it make whole process bit more easy

SourDom 2006 September 6


I think it is highly unlikely that 'unfriendly yeast' would be causing gastrointestinal upset. The high temperatures of baking would kill any yeast in your dough (that's why you HAVE to put some starter aside for next time), as well as any bacteria.

It is possible that you are manifesting some gluten intolerance, particularly if (having made flavourful fresh bread) you are eating more bread than you would usually!

Croc is right to suggest that eating bread straight out of the oven can often leave you feeling a bit bloated (I don't know why).

Could it be something that you are eating with your bread?


Croc 2006 September 7

saying that i always ignored her tips on how to eat bread and i been fine just sometimes if i eat too much of it i get bloated (which i don't mind)

northwestsourdough's picture
northwestsourdough 2006 September 7

Hi I just remembered reading that the alcohol in fresh bread has to evaporate completely or you will feel sick. When it is cooled it is gone however, since most people like alcohol(beer,wine etc), I am guessing there's more there than just alcohol, but it still has to evaporate off before eating.
Really scientiful huh?

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