Carrot/Potato Bread


Well there's this weird facebook group/event that I joined called "panic buy carrots on May 15th" (link here and here if anyone's interested). Basically it's just going out and buying lotsa carrots on the same day and making use of them the next day. Thought it'd be fun and I was thinking it would be nice to make some carrot bread which I could give away to friends over here or at one of the campus buildings.

Anyway, I was thinking of perhaps making it with mashed carrots? I could use the water left from boiling the carrots in the bread for the dough as well. Or maybe roasting the carrots. Anyone know what would be the typical percentage of additions like potatoes & mashed carrots in dough? Since it's moist and probably affects hydration etc.

And any ideas on what would make a good carrot sourdough/levain recipe?  
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TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2008 April 22

....not exactly the same thing nor necessarily answering your Q, but homebakers like me, will do something like Normbake here. He says he added until he got cake batter consistency? Good idea to use the water where you boiled the carrot/potatoes....but why not just add grated carrot since you already have boiled potatoes? That is, if you prefer a rustic streaky look rather than a uniform orange loaf. Just my 2 sen.

You know overdosing on carrots will manifest in your skin? Spotting those involved in the carrot binge won't be difficult. ;)  :D
gul_dekar 2008 April 23
You know overdosing on carrots will manifest in your skin? Spotting those involved in the carrot binge won't be difficult. SPANSPAN  SPAN[/quote]

I am aware of that. I'm sure Dutch people wouldn't mind being a bit more orange when Euro cup season comes along! ;)

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