Using a Bread Tin

Cookie's picture
Hi all, I'm new to this list and new to sourdough baking.   When the breadmaking urge struck me again I invested in a nice new bread tin.   I notice most of the bread I have seen on this list is just rolled into shape and baked, no tin used.   Why is this?
I have made one nice sourdough loaf, my little beagle is getting rather plump on oven baked failed sourdough loaves.   But my starter is still active and I am just waiting for a day at home so I can try again using the kneading method on the learners page.
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Adam T's picture
Adam T 2008 March 10
I believe it is a matter of preference, and personal desire.
A lot of the breads I make at work are made in bread pans. The more "original" loaves are natural form. You can also use a bowl or basket to keep a nice round shape before baking.

hope that helps!

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2008 March 10
Like Adam said, it's a matter of preference.

If I'm making the bread for selling to my friends, who don't really care for crust, I make it in a tin. Baking in a tin also gives more uniform slices. Remember to oil the tin well. And, on removing the loaf out of the tin, I stick it into the oven to bake another 10-15 mins to allow the sides and bottom to brown.

Personally, I like free form loaves or loaves proved in bannetons, where I can exercise more creativity and practice slashing.
Cookie's picture
Cookie 2008 March 10
Thanks for the answers.   Since I like a crusty bread I'll probably try free form next.

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