Casalinga wannabe

TeckPoh's picture

Not even close!

Here's John's:

and here's mine. Nope, I think I have to practice another 1000 loaves before I get it. Just can't do a curving slash.

217 users have voted.


Adam T's picture
Adam T 2008 March 10
try using a razor blade, and write a loose S with it across the top of the dough. It helps if your razor is nice and sharp. Just don't cut yourself!

TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2008 March 10

I am using a gilette blade. After a couple of cuts, I now hold it with a bit of folded paper towel. I guess I'm just too uptight/nervous at the point of slashing, where everything happens so d*** fast. My head painfully trying to figure out where the 20 cm is supposed to go doesn't help. If I don't bake off the bread in a cool oven, I heat up a tray and plonk the bread on it, then slash. Maybe I should learn to relax, take a deep breath, count to ten, any more suggestions? :)
Danubian's picture
Danubian 2008 March 10

TP, I'm not overly keen to make a 'yeah or 'nay' comment, except to say what's yours is yours and no doubt in time will develop its own unique form. But I understand that yearn for satisfaction with your own creation. But don't downplay your effort, like sourdough 'form' takes time to mature and develop. But FWIW in my opinion it's a splendid piece, albeit still developing.


TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2008 March 10

Actually, I made it sound worse than I felt. I am completely enjoying my sourdough journey...the failures (hey, opportunity to learn!) as well as the little triumphs. Much thanks to being held by the hand by so many vets such as yourself. Thanks also for pointing out the satisfaction of developing one's own style.
Adam T's picture
Adam T 2008 March 10
This is a basic drawing of how deep I cut my doughs. I hold the razor with my index and middle fingers, and my thumb, and run it across the dough, with my fingers just barely brushing the surface of the dough.
The angle should be parallel with the surface of the dough

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