Sourdough Bread Website Feedback? (+coupon)

simplysourdough's picture

Hi everyone,


I have been a lurker here for awhile, but I am still realtively new to this site.  My name is Jackson, and I was born and raised in San Francisco.  I basically grew up eating the sourdough bread that my parents made in their little bakery in SF.  Sadly, their bakery closed since then.


Making bread at home is my passion, my hobby, as well as my current carreer. I appreciate the wealth of home baking knowledge on this website.  A few years ago, I started the website  It's a fairly new website, but already I am getting a lot of traffic and sales.  I work with a local bakery, who provides me with many times of delicious breads.  I sell and ship brown-and-serve bread from my website.  I don't have to charge a lot, because I can get the bread at wholesale prices.


I wanted to give you guys a coupon for buying bread on my website.  Enter the coupon phrase "sonoma" to automatically get 5% off of your order.  I haven't published this coupon on the web before.  It's just my way of sending my good will to the sourdough bread community. :)


Now, I have a question... would you guys be interested in subscribing to a blog about sourdough bread?  I am going to be starting a casual blog on my website.  I was planning on posting information similar to what can be found on here.  (Mostly recipies, stories, photos, news articles, and bread reviews.)


I am also looking for suggestions on my website.  If you guys have any products you would like to see, or if you have any general suggestions about how to improve my website, I would really appreciate the feedback!


Finally, I have some professional photography I had taken of my breads.  I am offering these bread stock photos free to anyone who wants to use them.  I can't really think of a purpose for them, besides using on my website... but hell, maybe you can.  I paid for them, so I figure someone might as well use them.


Sourdough Bread Stock Photo

Bread Stock Photo

Stock Photo of Breads


-- Jackson

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