Northern Ireland


 I'm finding it hard to get interesting flours in Northern Ireland... I can get Dove's Farm flour from the supermarket which is a good start but I'd love to get hold of some local/interesting flours...  Any advice much appreciated.  Mail order to N. Ireland tends to come with brutal postage charges, but I'm open to any advice on reasonable mail-order.

Many thanks,


242 users have voted.


philc 2010 August 14


Not sure what charges would be but suma have a mail order service now, we order stuff wholesale from them for our bakery. Shipton mill also maybe worth trying. Or if ever you are near York let me know and I could have flour delivered to the bakery for you to pick up.

I'm about to try Gilchesters organic.

Phil's picture 2010 August 16

Hi there,

First I can let Phil know that he is in for a treat because Gilchester's makes amazing flour.  Andrew is an incredible farmer and miller with an amazing approach and vision.  We are particularly fond of his whole spelt.  If you are interested, you can watch a short film of him talking about some of the problems with the UK bread culture here:

Second, for Sarah, there is an organisation called the Traditional Corn Millers Guild and their e mail is [email protected].  They represent wind and water mills so don't catch all good millers (Gilchesters is not a member for example because they are not a wind or water mill) but they do have a great deal of knowledge and may be able to help you with a miller in N Ireland.

I hope that is of help to you.



saralexis 2010 August 20

But for those, like me, who just click on the link to email instead of reading it (!)...

it's [email protected]

(rather than tmcg)

I hope they have something useful for me, and thanks for the kind offer Phil!  You never know I might get desperate enough to tour the country picking up flours!



LisaRye 2014 June 5

Hello Sara,


I'm looking for someone to make unsalted organic sourdough rye bread for me.  I'm following a special diet in lieu of chemo and could really use the bread.  I've tried a few times, even with yeast but you could hardly slice it.

Interested? If not do you have any ideas?  Will post this question in the forum.




(Co Armagh)

aroma 2014 June 6

Hi again,  I'm not used to this forum yet and my last post excluded some text - what I meant to say is that Amazon deliver lots of different types of flour to the mainland at least - have you had a look there?


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