This is how I started my starter...


...a week and a half ago.

I put  a cup of water and 2 cups of whole wheat flour in a one quart (at this point, I don't know the metric equivalents of these measurments, I shall endevor to find out what they are start using them in my posts) plastic container with a tight fitting lid that I punched a hole in(wait, it gets better). 

the next morning,I saw a couple of bubbles so I poured half of it into another jar and mixed in 1/2 cup of water and one cup of flour put the lid on and eleft it on the counter. I put the other jar in the fridge then went to work. That night I repeated the process. Couple of bubbles, pour off half, water, flour, other jar in the fridge. The next morning OhMy, it started doing something. There were bubbles all over the surface and it looked like ir expanded an inch, 2.5cm (liner measurment, I know). I repeated that process for about three and a half days. 

When I got home from work on day four, I noticed the lid had bowed up a bit. I figured the hole got plugged up (YaThink?) and there was a bit of gas that had built up. I took it over to the sink (a wise decision) and attempted to open the hole wider with a kitchen knife. The ensuing fountain of starter rose up, I swear, about a foot to a foot and a half 30-45cm. The starter now resides in a big ceramic bowl with a loose fitting clear top and is bubbling along rather happily.

I have since disgarded the jar of stuff in the fridge, but, for some wierd reason have put a cup of week old starter in the plastic container and put that in the fridge. It seems to be happy there. I now make muffins with the morning pour am going to try making chapatis with the evening one.

So far, the bread tastes pretty good. I just have to get the timing of the proof better. Does an hour and a half sound right? the house is around 60F at night and around 90F during the day.

Nice site here... Thank you for putting it up.

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Pete in Az 2009 July 18


 I'm not sure where to put this. 

I can't log in.

The sight doesn't recognise my user name.

Now, what do I do?.

Millciti's picture
Millciti 2009 July 18

What he can do with your problems!!  In the meantime try clearing your cache, then restart your computer and try again. 

Your starter sounds like it is off to a great start!!

Hope to hear from you again soon.



PeteInAz. 2009 July 26

Hello... I'm back now.

I tried the 1.5 hour proof and then made up some bread dough. It barely doubled in 24 hours and when I put the loaves in the oven, there was no "oven spring"  not even an "oven nudge". I'm going to try 1 hour next time. 

Thank you for the help Terri.

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