After some inital struggles, I have been doing pretty well with my whole grain wheat bread, using sourdom's Pane Francesa recipe. I got a Great Northen grain mill off ebay for less than $200 which does a nice job of grinding my wheat berries. I have been pushing up my hydration and am currently using 83%. Here are my measurements
1. 80 gm starter 100% hydration
2. add 90 gm flour, 90 gm water, let rise
3. mix 180 gm starter with 500 gm flour, 415 grams water , 2 t salt
You can read sourdom's recipe for the sequence. I cheat on the rest period between folds quite often, going only 45 minutes between folds. I use a loaf pan becuase it makes for easier sandwiches. I also have taken to substiuting a little rye flour to boost the culture, about 10 grams at each stage of the build. This loaf is with a hard "white wheat", which a little lighter in color than the hard red wheat you see in the US.
Here's the bread:
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