Does my scoring have a problem ?



Here is my SD bread . 30% of whole wheat flour was mixed in.




When I bake a loaf at home, same problem happens all the time.

Less openning on the surface...

As you see in the above picture, there is no bursting out at all. It just stopped as it had been slashed.

I want my bread opened much more . 

Did I score the loaf in a wrong way ? Should I cut through a little deeper ? 

  Is the dough underfermented  ( less gas production ) ?

Or Is my electronic home oven not good enough ?  



This is the inside of the loaf.  I think it is quite good crumb texture.

I can see many gas holes , which means there was no problem with fermentation and mixing ?

Then...what's problem...? 


424 users have voted.


rossnroller 2010 October 9

I suspect you are overproofing a little. Seems the rise has happened to a large extent before you put your bread in the oven. Maybe...?

DavidMannafromDevon 2010 October 9

Well let's start by saying that there's not too much to beat yourself up about with that bread.  It looks excellent. Then, I agree with Rossnroller.  Prove the dough a little less so that it's still got pressure in it when you slash it.  Finally, make sure it goes into a hot oven, dropping the heat later if necessary to avoid too dark a crust.

Karniecoops's picture
Karniecoops 2010 October 9

I completely agree with Ross and David.  The slashing is not something you should be worried about - your bread looks magnificent!  That said, I know I get annoyed with a disappointing slash too.   But like the boys said, pop it in the oven a bit earlier and hey presto, no slashing problem!


Muff 2010 October 10

I agree with everything offered above. Also helpful, perhaps: slide the loaf onto a fully preheated stone; ensure  lots of humidity in the baking chamber, er, oven, and take care that your slashes go across (as if removing the rind from a big beef roast) more than down into the loaf.

But you definitely have no need to apologize for current results!


doughjocam 2010 October 16

 I also agree with what everyone else is saying, because they're right! Your loaf looks slightly over-proved. 

It's important to remember that loaves get an 'oven rise' when placed into the hot oven. When the yeast is exposed to extreme heat, it makes one last attempt to feed at a rapid rate before it dies, releasing gasses extremely quickly, causing your loaf to noticeably rise before your eyes. If you compensate for this oven rise, like David said, your loaf will be easier to score before it's placed in the oven. Hope that helps!



muccima 2010 December 30

I have my very first batch of sourdough proofing right now - I hope it looks as good as that when it is done!

Shady Grove Baking's picture
Shady Grove Baking 2011 May 25

Try slashing the dough at an angle, almost 45 degrees into your loaf. This will encourage the dough to rise up and out. When you slash the dough with a vertical blade, the dough will spring out like a flower petal, almost.


Good luck and happy baking!

Baking again 2011 September 1


When you score the loaf, by the look of the score you used a blade that was held in a vertical position striaght up & down.This causes the loaf to go out sideways when it kicks in the oven.

From what i can gather the look you are after is a crack look ( the loaf looks like it has cracked open with jagged edges from the scoring marks) is this correct?

If so, when you score the loaf hold the blade at a 22 degree angle and just go under the skin of the dough ( not so you cut the dough deep straight up and down) but so that it cuts at a angle just under the skin.

When you try this technique i find that when the oven is hot enough and the loaf is placed into the oven, a spray bottle with water is used to create the steam effect ( not on the bread but around the stone) then quickly close the door. The steam that is created will help the loaf to crack more and kick better, it also puts a nice shine to the crust.

This should give you the look of craked bread (rustic).

The straight up and down scoring methed is used for tinned bread mainly.

davo 2011 September 2

Sorry, but I can't agree with calling that overproofed. It looks pretty much perfect to me. I reckon if it were overproofed, it wouldn't be as tall, or with such a "vertical" component in the bubbles. My ideal is actually to get a loaf as airy as possible without going so far as to flatten/fail to rise. I actually regard too much bursting as a disappointing sign of underproof (although it looks speccy). One thing you get with more bursting, is more dark crusty bits. So if I might be so bold, I would suggest the only thing I would change here is the degree of flouring on the loaf. If you leave it a little barer of flour, you'll get a much more browned/caramelised crust. And bake a bit longer til it's a bit darker. At least that's my own subjective view!

petrosrock20 2012 April 22

 doesn't look overproofed, not all types of scoring burst good in domestic ovens. The one that u did needs the blade to be held 45 degrees to the dough.When u shape ur dough before the final proofing u need to give the dough more strenght and the oven to be preheated really good...


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