

My name is Arturo
This are some photos of my breads,I would like to have some baker friends in  Australia,  I live in Mexico  and studied artisan bakery in Venezuela, I would like to have some international experience, I would like some advice of any baker.   cheers.


Graham's picture
Graham 2008 September 9
Hi Arturo and welcome to SC. It would be great to see some photos or recipes from your experience / part of the world. Enjoy. Graham
kingsley.sullivan 2008 October 2
We employ a couple of bakers from Mexico at our bakery in Perth Western Australia.  They are very talented, hard-working and a lot of fun.  Their names are Manuel and Ovidio Lopez.  If you would like to communicate with them let me know.
kingsley.sullivan 2008 October 4

hola, mi nonbre es manuel loppez yo trabajo para new norcia bakery por 10 anos trabajo con ingleses franseses y chinos y otros paises
se hace pan sin levadura, solo agua, arina, y sal ,es pan aformentado de europa se llama sourdough bread


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