yozax. com 1GB Monthly Free Data eSIM in 30+ Countries [£5 early access]


yozax. com 1GB Monthly Free Data eSIM in 30+ Countries [£5 early access]

{{{ Product url: https://yozax.com/product/founder-plan/ }}}

{{{ Coupon Code: TWENTY }}}

{{{ Product Price: £5/€5 }}}

{{{ Discount Products Price: £4/€4 }}}

Yozax has a free data eSIM with 1GB data allowance monthly but it has a really long waitlist! You can use this discount code to get early access to the esim.
As a Yozax Founder Plan member, you’ll enjoy these exclusive benefits:
Instant Access to Your eSIM: Skip the wait and start exploring the Yozax experience right away.
Premium Support: Priority assistance whenever you need it.
Limited Edition Mobile Wallpapers: A unique bundle created exclusively for founding members.
Community Founders Badge: Show your status as one of the first to believe in the Yozax vision.
10% Discount for Life: Save on all Yozax products and services forever.
Early Access to Features: Be the first to explore new coverage areas, networks, and innovations.
£5/€5 Credit: Spend it on the Yozax shop as a thank-you for your support.

Why Are We Charging for This?

Yozax is an independent, self-funded startup dedicated to staying free from restrictive funding preparations and keeping neighborhood ownership. This small £5/€5 charge ensures we can develop sustainably whilst fastidiously trying out and enhancing our community with a devoted team of early adopters.

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