
Graham's picture
Sydney Gallery

All photographs from our last trip to Sydney have now been posted on the Sourdough Gallery. Bits of information about each bakery will follow in the coming weeks.

Melbourne Gallery

We are heading for Melbourne in September. Bakeries have already started to make contact via the Add Your Bakery form. As there are so many quality sourdough bakeries in Melbourne, we may have to limit our first Melbourne visit to bakeries that have submitted the form. It looks as if we will only have 3-4 days in Melbourne at this stage.

Please add your bakery if you would like us to visit.

Brisbane Gallery

Submissions are being received. Thanks!

ACT, SA, TAS, WA, Country NSW, North QLD:

Please add your bakery. We would like to organise a visit later this year to some of these bakeries. In the meantime, could bakeries please provide their own photographs?


The forum has new members and is picking up activity. Anyone is welcome to join, but in particular we are encouraging Bakers to jump in and lend their experience. There is a lot of good written information available on sourdough, but it takes hands-on experience to confidently advise "this will work in these conditions".

Graham Prichard
28 July 2005

Main Photo of Boonderoo Bakery by Alan Scott
Photo of rolls (Fuel Bakery) by Graham Prichard
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