Trip to Sydney


 Hello everyone, 

My name is Ryan and along with my business partner Eddie, we run a small Artisan Sourdough Bakery Called 'Volare' here in New Zealand.

I am a 5th generation baker but unfortunately none of the previous generations made sourdough so everything i make has been self taught. We have been operating at our wholesale premises for the last 2 and a half years but started out in a converted garage supplying a single farmers market.

We have 5 bakers including myself and bake 7 days a week. Our levain is still the original and is feed twice a day.

The reason im posting this is because in 3 weeks time Eddie and I are coming to Sydney to check out the Artisan bakeries around Sydney and if possible, bake with some of the bakers

If anyone in Sydney has a bakery or knows of anyone that owns a bakery and would be happy for me to come a learn a few things it would be greatly appreciated. I have never worked in another commercial bakery only ours and i would love to see how other bakers go about their bake.

many thanks


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Polenta 2011 September 22

Good on you to have progressed from your garage to a wholesale operation.

Well done !

Bet you are baking up a storm with the Rugby world cup on your doorstep.

Where abouts are you ?

I might just pop in and share some ideas when i'm in Hamilton, NZ again. 

ryanjs 2011 October 4

Thanks for the reply!


Yea things have been busy with the rugby, and now coming back into summer people are really getting out, its great. 


We are on Kahikatea Drive on State Highway 1 in Hamilton so its really hard to miss us. 


Your more than welcome to stop by, we are in the process of developing a pastry section, building a climate controlled room to make things alot easier.


Really looking forward to Sydney, Michael Klausen from Brasserie Bread has been kind enough to give us a tour of his bakery, would love to hear back from Sonoma, Bourke Street or Central Baking Depot, they look amazing.


Let me know when your on your way.




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