more from British Columbia, Canada


Might be difficult for most to make this event, but here it is:

Stone Milling & Stone Dressing – A two day workshop

Monday, November 26, 10:00 – 4:00
Tuesday November 27 9:00 – 4:00
Anita’s Organic Grain and Flour Mill
43615 Yale Road, Chilliwack, B.C. V2R 4J6

Offered by the Small Scale Food Processor Association (SSFPA)
How to improve stone-ground flour quality & maintain stone mills

Up to 24 participants will learn the basics of stone dressing. Instruction, experience and hands on technique will be shared by two international facilitators - Mervin Austin of Mount Pleasant Mill at Kirton in Lindsey, North Lincolnshire UK, and Keith Giusto, a third generation stone miller from an Italian family in the Bay area of San Francisco.

Mervin will share his history of artisan baking which he began in London in 1982. It grew successfully and led to the purchase in year 2000 by he and his wife Marie-Christine of an 1875, four sailed windmill and set up of an organic bakery. Ultimately they were faced with the necessity of learning how to properly dress the mill’s French burr stones and Derbyshire millstone grit stones.

Keith won the James Beard Award in 1996 for his sourdough, and is a founding partner in Wheatland Flour, a Utah company specializing in organic unbleached flours. He will lead a discussion about stone milling of various grains as well as practical demonstrations

Dealing with Details Hands On

Mervin will provide a theoretical background on stone dressing as well as practical demonstration of stone dressing on one of Anita's Organic's 30" Meadows Mills. Attendees will have two stones available to practice on. Keith’s group discussion and demonstrations will cover a variety of specialty grains in a practical format.

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