I am Syd, it's my online name and I am 29 years old female. My hobby is baking but I am a total newbie when it comes to baking sourdough bread although I have baked yeast breads. I also love baking cakes, cookies etc. In short, I just love baking! I live in India where its hard to find some ingredients for home baking except for the basic ingredients like flour, yeast, butter, etc. So, I am always on a hunt for baking goods. I can't even find good baking tins etc here. I cant use complex terms so please bear with my casual writing. I have a small oven which is a microwave+convection (fan type) that doesn't bake very well sometimes and drives me crazy. I yell at it when things go wrong and knock on it. I plan on getting a new oven, a bigger one, after a couple months. I wana bake french bread like Baguettes. I only bake for one person so most of the time the loaves I bake are smaller and recipes are cut into half or quarter. Well, that was my intro.
After i read the instructions for making the sourdough starter on this site I decided to give it a try. Now I have a lively starter stored in refrigerator and earlier today i baked my first loaf of sourdough bread and a Kougin Amann. I may not post many pictures cuz I may have eaten the bread/cake etc the minute they come out of the oven. lol.
I have a puppy at home who often gets grounded for stealing cookies etc which are cooling on the counter. Everytime I am baking I use ear plugs cuz my puppy won't stop barking and whining. I also bake treats for him often which is the reason why he get zoomies the minute I turn the oven on.
I often leave my baked goodies in the oven but later I find them gone. My family, esp my mom and aunt love to steal my goodies. I need to find another place to hide my goodies.
I want to learn more about baking. I am happy I joined this site. I hope I will get tips and help to improve myself here.
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