With my present home-made/air-collected sourdough starter I've baked maybe 20 loaves and they have all been scrumptious with most...
I started my first (and only) starter 2 years ago. I work full time and am obviously a novice. I have developed a recipe that...
Hi, Im new to this site and sourdough breadmaking in general. I stumbled upon sourdough breadmaking on a danish website 2-3...
Hi all, I just baked my very first loaf... Comments and advise very welcome... [img]http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h157/...
Hello everyone. Must say, similarly to most who post on this forum for the first time, I am VERY excited to have found this site...
Is human saliva capable of influencing the microbiology of San Francisco Sourdough? Could someone with experience in microbiology...
This is kind of ridiculous. I made way too much of a firm starter, meaning I added bread flour and water to my regular rye...
Does anybody have experience in overseas travel and transporting starter? We've been living in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for the past...
I've been turning out some breads I'm pretty happy with since getting my starters going a while back, but I am finding that the...
Hi all, I am in the unfortunate position of needing to cut down my wheat intake, which seems a great excuse to perfect some 100%...
Hi, I wonder if anyone ever baked rye bread in a microwave oven, especially at low wattages. What would you do to simulate an...
I have a big bag of low diastatic malt flour and would like to deactivate some of it so I could use it in a different way. Will...
Where do you keep your starter, in the fridge or at room temperature and why? Lisette
I'm aware that it's possible to dry starter and restore it to life months later by adding water. I've got two great active...
OK, I'm back to work, sort of. This is my first attempt at playing with rye flour (from Bibina, thanks Bill!). [img]http://...
hey all, Ive tried my starter again from scratch as my first starter (which i began in January in the Aussie summer) after 6...
ABA baking workshops are being organised in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria (Australia) for August - September 2008...
Hi, I'm new to this forum. My name is Beka, I'm 15 and I'm mostly a cake decorator but now I'm starting to bake bread too. I...
...a week and a half ago. I put a cup of water and 2 cups of whole wheat flour in a one quart (at this point, I don't know the...
Hi, Can anybody recommend websites or books on artisan baking. I'm an australian apprentice entering a competition and need to...
I've recently started a new blog - www.figjamandlimecordial.com - and I'd be grateful for any feedback anyone has to offer.....
I just read through, making a starter and realised after day 2 I forgot and used tap water. Our water is poor quality with a lot...
I was glad I found this site as I had just started my sourdough baking again and still am full of questions. Posted a few on the...
Hi, I convinced a lot of my friends to convert their stiff sourdoughs from solid to semi-liquid form because of the ease of use,...
Hi, friday I began a new starter using a lot of flours: soft, wholemeal and hard wheat, rye and spelt, plus a touch of yogurth...