
Risatory Success!!!

I apologize for the energy of the title. I am just overwhelmed that my bread-making goal of several years now has come to life. I was able...Read more


Polenta Potato Sourdough Yeast Water Bread

Last weekend I baked some of the best rolls I've made to date using instant yeast instead of my usual sourdough or yeast water. I didn't...Read more

How can i slow down the starter from doubling

Thank you farinam for your valuable comments , i especially liked the part 'listen' to the dough...i will when i reach that part....i hope...Read more


minoterie bourseau

dear baker after 36 years away from france i went for a visit to meet my father and found my cousins who have been milling artisan flour...Read more

How can i slow down the starter from doubling

Dear All. On my first trial to start a sourdough starter something strange happened to me which is not like what I'm reading..i started my...Read more


New kid on the Block (not so new to this world)

HI All, Just new to this scene, if you can call it a "scene" I'd like to say lifesytle. I started my very first starter one day ago using...Read more

1 comment

hydration of the sponge?

G'day! I am currently using the 1-2-3 method. the question I have is in regards to the sponge (the mix I make before bulk rising). What...Read more


No hooch but bubbles

I have recently acquired a sourdough starter. I made two successful loafs of bread. The starter was bubbling at such a fast rate that I...Read more


Guacamole Bread

I had a new brand of store bought guacamole in the refrigerator just calling for me to use it in a bread. I made bread before with fresh...Read more


My new banneton

I baked a loaf this afternoon, I noticed it had doubled, where it nearly bulged over the edge of my banneton which I have only used once...Read more
