Until now I hadn't blogged any of my sourdough baking attempts since I couldn't work out how to upload photos. It is truly serendipitous...Read more
New Zealand of teacher, the disciple of China. That you feel bread howRead more
China in paul, I shine on in the work of Shang hai, ha ha guess that which I amRead more
Well, the 'sourdough virus' is in me, but I DON'T WANNA GET RID OF IT! All started last year, when I tried to make a Panettone... I've...Read more
I've not done this very scientifically but below are a series of loaves with various slashes and proving times (AND proving methods -...Read more
Whole wheat sourdough miche, inspired by " Pain Poilane " is the first bread in the 2nd chapter of Daniel Leader's book. So unlike the...Read more
"I don't see how you have enough time to bake bread." is what the head of winemaking told me the other day. I tried to explain that really...Read more
One night two weeks ago I couldn't sleep. So I got up, went to the kitchen and strated making bread. I mixed 200 gr starter, 350 gr water,...Read more
Well actually the next bread in "Local Breads" is Croissants sur levain liquide, but I had received a request for bread from a friend for a...Read more
I have made this bread several times of the past few weeks, but have not had time to write about it. It is the 3rd sourdough bread in...Read more