I used to like bread when I was young and then on to being a bachelor, when bread could do for breakfast. But becuase of the...
It's a long story but I hope you tell me what to do i started a basic recipe of a sourdough with fresh milled whole grain wheat...
Hi Im new to the forum,Im a home baker and have an ordinary electric fan forced oven, I use a combo iron dutch oven to do my...
Made my starter, now I'm looking for bread flour in Toronto. Help please. Thank you...
7 days ago got a very good active sourdough yeast, bubbling away etc. Have fed x2. After each feed leave it at room temp no lid...
Hi all, I've been trying my hand at sourdough for a couple of months now. I began in Londo UK and just moved to LA, California. I...
Hello Bakers! I Started baking a while ago and got in contact with sourdough after following a course on sourdough baking. After...
I am new to sourdough breadmaking and I started my journey a couple of weeks ago. I am using an ancient grain known as Emmer...
Hi All, I am relatively new to baking with wild yeast. My bread is turning out pretty well, with a nice open crumb, but I need a...
I have prepared the dough for my first attempt at a tartine loaf and have mistakenly used self-raising flour in the sponge and...
Ive had a breville baking oven for a while & every time i make a loaf from scratch (not pre mix) it ends up real heavy almost...
I began making sourdough bread perhaps a month ago after many years of seeing it in my bread book. I followed a beginners guide...
Claas has asked... How do I find a sourdough starter that is yeast & gluten free?
There's lots of good sourdough bakeries near the city, but what about the burbs? While I get mine from Fatto a Mano in Gertrude...
I took this recipe from Éric Kayser book. It´s awesome and works well. The best is the time to be ready. Just 4 days. DAY 1 - In...
Has anyone had any experience with Emmanuel Hadjiandreou's small sourdough starter in his book "How to make Bread". He advised a...
Hi everyone, I am not new to bread baking however I am new to making bread without wheat.I've tried several recipes for oat flour...
I have a very good starter sitting in my fridge, made some pretty good loaves with it. I just have a bit of difficulty bringing...
I have been trying for a long time to make a sourdough fruit bread that wasn't incredibly heavy and dense in texture. This recipe is...Read more
I have a great sourdoug starter named Angela given to me by a great teacher here in New Orleans. I am following Ed Wood's Classic...
I have bought some S.F. sourdough starter online. I follow the dirrections and everythings seems to work fine, until I place it...
Ive been trying to make bread from salt, water, yeast (ken forkish) with sourdough and have failed like 4 times. My issue is that...
Let me begin by saying I hope this is not a duplicate post. I thought I had posted but my account showed 0 posts, so I must have...
Hello! I am on day 8 of starting my starter. I am feeding 100g unbleached all purpose flour and 100g water to 100g of starter...