Sourdough Baking

<p>Sourdough bread making!</p>

Gerson Cancer Diet - Need unsalted organic rye bread

Hello, Is anyone making organic (unsalted) rye bread in Northern Ireland? I desperately need it for the special diet (Gerson...

runny starter

My starter is normally of quite a firm consistency but this morning it is really runny like pancake change in...


Trying to find an artisan baker

Hi, we are trying to recrute a baker for our artisan bakery on the wonderful North Norfolk coast UK - we wondered if any one else...

Baking when distracted and you temporarily lack a digital scale

Two good spelt recipes came out of a two-month period with distractions of other projects and breaking appliances (not the oven...

Flat bread, char grilled

Flat bread, rough and ready

Hello bakers, I have been using my unused leaven to make flat breads. Slighly mad concoction but it seems too work. 400gms...

Changed flour, poor results, don't know why

I've been baking a buckwheat sourdough for 6 months using KA special flour and 10% buckwheat. 825g KA special 85g buckwheat 265g...


Inadvertent sourdough? Whole wheat no-knead dough now very sour.

I was making dough according to the 5-minute artisan bread book with white flour and then got some wheat berries and started...


Large air hole

I've been making sourdough bread for over a year, with good results, but recently I've had problems with a large air hole at the...

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Increasing the amount of starter I have

about six months ago I purchased 50 grams of Brett Noys starter on-line from somewhere in Brisbane (I forget where) and it has...

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What went wrong

Can anyone give me a clue as what went wrong with my ist attempt at baking sourdough, bread was quite heavy and had a crack...

