After deleting 14 spam posts this morning I left the 15th for you to read. Is there anything Maedi we can do to stop this? Two...
hello all - im new. welcome me!...lol i am a bread life devotee... ...i bake at work.... production manager and daytime baker for...
[size=18] Is this bread of a high standard??[/size][img]http://www.sourdough.com.au/gallery/d/5426-2/Picture+026.jpg[/img]
I had a dinner last evening at an extremely flash Melbourne restaurant (recipient of 2 hats in the Good Food guide). They served...
Can someone advise a mail-order supplier of a short-hadle oven peel?
Got this idea from an eG thread. Give a jar of starter together with a loaf of sourdough bread with the recipe, and a jar of...
Gday Peeps, Making myself a proving box and I am having problems getting an accurate thermometer in the correct temperature...
I used [url=http://www.sourdough.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?t=243]this[/url] recipe to pop my sour dough cherry Here is the...
[img]http://www.sourdough.com.au/gallery/d/6779-2/DSCN1827.JPG[/img] loaves in the afternoon sun - Sunday's bake, and not a pot...
Hi all I want to send some sourdough starter to New Zealand does anyone have any tips, do I have to dry it first or can it be...
'Tis the season to play with breads....decorative breads. Last year, inspired by Mitch Stamm, I made this...note the crack...paid...
Thanks to all of you who have been enquiring by PM. Wrist slashing day has been confirmed as 19th January. The choice was either...
Ok folks I defied my own famous words and dipped into the pot, so to speak! I followed a recipe from a bake at locatelli demo I...
Is not it nice to have no spam in the forums? Are you folks still getting spam and deleting it? or has it died down? If anyone...
Hi, Well I'm back online. Been away for a couple of months and moved from WA to Tas. Now I can start looking at building an earth...
version of the Thom Leonard recipe in Maggie Glezer's Artisan baking [img]http://www.sourdough.com.au/gallery/d/5756-2/DSCN1783...
Okay, I'm a convert now! Pot baking trial # 2 came out great and I wrote it up on my blog today. Here is a picture of the bread...
Last week I embarked on a series of pot bakings - from the half white flour and half wholewheat (which is my "whitest" bread) to...
Well here is my first loaf from a real baking pot, not the pyrex bowl: [img]http://www.northwestsourdough.com/dec3d.jpg[/img]...
This morning's bake. A variation on the formula that I have been baking in the last week or two, with 80% hydration. This time...
Hello Carla, I thought the other thread was going so off topic I'd start afresh. There's no big secret. Over two years ago I went...
I wish I've done a trombone cake before, then I'll 'borrow' it to dedicate it to you. Anyone baking today? Slash the bread with...
Wishing you a smooth surgery and that your 10-prong mixer will be overhauled to 'Good as New'!
[img]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y85/jergra/CIMG1713.jpg[/img] Here is the the studded loaf! Jeremy
Labour weekend came around and I decided it was time to fill the freezer. These are the sourdoughs; 2x66% rye (J Hammelman -...