
Armenian sweet tahini rolls

A chance discovery in a new cook book led me to making these sweet tahini rolls - I have always thought of tahini as savoury, though of...Read more

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enzyme bread tech

THE NEW ENZYME BREAD TECH…. Most of us are aware that modern commercial bread had all sorts of additives which are supposed to “improve”...Read more


What really matters?

Travelling home from our Easter break, a beautiful weekend of camping and cycling, we realised that we would need some bread to survive...Read more


Sourdough & Diabetes

I have baked with active yeast for many years and have graduated from white rolls, white plait to multigrain made with a “poolish”. I have...Read more


Hot Cross Buns

Lots of great ideas about Hot Cross buns recently. I have borrowed a recipe from SourDom from a couple of years ago: very successful...Read more

Wonderful hot cross buns

Many thanks to Karniecoops for this great recipe . This is my third batch. The second was...Read more


My First Sourdough Bread

Hi, I am a retired ex-patriot Brit, now living on the Costa Blanca, Spain. Since retirement I obviously have a little more time on my hands...Read more


The grandchildren loved it :)

Just back from a trip up north to visit daughter and grandchildren (not forgetting son-in-law as well) so just had to make some bread to...Read more


don't blog here - but soon will on: eyes on the ends of his fingers

i don't blog here but just thought i'd link to my bakeries web site / log TROIS PETITS PAINS... and mention that I am also going to start (...Read more

A Loaf or Three

I have been constantly feeling bad, ever since “ Lamenting Lost Lebanese ” that I did not include a Pitta Recipe. What good are all those...Read more
