Spotted a Pain de Mie recipe over at an eG thread and thought it would be interesting to convert it to sourdough. I halved the recipe to...Read more
I have been trying for a long time to make a sourdough fruit bread that wasn't incredibly heavy and dense in texture. This recipe is...Read more
I tweaked the original recipe from http://home.teleport.com/~packham/sourdrec.htm to get a very nice light and crispy batter. Instead of...Read more
This was a first attempt at making a sourdough olive bread, and I think still needs some tweaking. The olives are added using the '...Read more
The last few weeks I have been experimenting with hot cross buns. I was inspired by Mick's recipe from a year or two ago. http://www...Read more
Here's what I'm currently baking. I have evolved it from my standard dough - Mick's Basic - plus some inspiration from Dan Lepard's Barley...Read more
I was given a copy of Carol Field's 'The Italian Baker' for Christmas, and have been working my way through her recipes for Italian...Read more
It's appropriate that this should come back to Australia because it's evolved from the La Tartine Pumpkin Sourdough recipe in Baker:the...Read more
Hi Graham, Here is an example of a bread I love to make "Miche"!Read more