
  • Runny Dough

    Hallo Fellow Sourdough Bakers, I am a newcomer to the sourdough community - have made a few loaves now all of which have turned...

  • Is my starter bad??

    I am brand new to baking sourdough and I am making my starter. I have been feeding it daily and keeping it loosely covered on my...

  • Very hard to slice, particularly at the botton

    My bread comes out perfect, but slicing is difficult especially the bottom. I'm using an old cast iron dutch oven, wondering if...

  • One of my first attempts

    Low hydration (55%?) Overnight bulk fermentation Baked in a dutch oven A little bit dense, but good sour flavor and aroma

  • Good texture but no height to sourdough

    Hello there, Apologies for the upside down photo - I can't seem to get it to be the right way up! - I'm on my third attempt at...

  • Problem during gluten development in the dough

    Hello!!! NEw here Im going to keep try to short to prevent myself from writing a book. So this is my 4th sourdough which the last...

  • pinkish color on top

    Hello Everyone, This is my first attempt at a sourdough starter... I have had a few ups and downs, which have only made me more...

  • Can I save an over proved sourdough?

    Hi I'm new to the forum and under lockdown have decided to be more adventurous with my bread making! I,ve never made sourdough...

  • runny starter

    My starter is normally of quite a firm consistency but this morning it is really runny like pancake change in...

  • Question about starter

    Hi. This is my first starter and today is day 3. When I fed my starter this morning, after mixing in a bowl, I placed the starter...

  • Inconsistent Oven Spring

    Hi. I am not a new baker. I have been baking sourdough for sometime now. I have a Fisherman's Wharf Sourdough recipe (tangy) that...

  • day 1, immediately after adding green stuff

    experiment: spiking my starter with 'Primal Defense'

    My six-year-old daughter takes a probiotic supplement called Primal Defense (purchased at health-food stores) in order to improve...

  • New to forum

    Hi all, we just signed up for this forum. We picked up bread making again as this covid 19 has given us so much time at home and...

    1 comment
  • Tiles in Oven as stone replacement

    Hi Sourdough Community, I’ve been reading all the previous posts on stone alternatives for increasing the thermal mass in the...

  • help! starter smelles bad and dosn't rise much

    hi i could really use some help! i am on day 7 of making a starter from scratch and i have fed it religiously with a mix of rye...

  • You can see the start of the rips on top.

    My dough is cracking while it rises.

    Hi, I have been baking sourdough bread for almost a year, mostly based on the advise I have found here. From the very beginning I...

  • Flour for starter

    Hi All. I have been trying to make a starter without much luck, and have tossed out a few attempts. I have started one with part...

  • Dry Sourdough Starter

    Hi all wondering if anyone would be able and willing to send some dried starter to help get me started... interested in...

  • Super Pumped!

    I am so thrilled with my adventure in Sourdough making and my first outcome. I had low expectations knowing how hard it can be to...

  • pinkish grey colour in starter

    I am at day 4 of beginning my starter and by the end of each 24 hr period it appears to have a faint pinky colour to it. Is this...

  • First sourdough, slightly sticky and little rise

    Hi all, With some extra time working from home i'm now attempting to make sourdough. I have a starter which i started appx 2...

  • High protein sourdough bread?

    Hi, I’m trying to find a sourdough bread that has a high protein content after baked, due to a medical condition that is...

    1 comment
  • The Tropics and Sough Dough Starter

    I have been attempting to make a viable starter but have failed. I expect the high temperatures where I live are a problem. I...

  • STRONG alcohol smell

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and on day 9 of my starter journey. It started off very slowly but after finding a warmer place for it...

  • Regarding bread advice

    Hi! I'm going to put my dough in the fridge after first rise so I can continue in the morning. my question is: do I punch it down...
