regarding many newbies to this forum: I concur, a good reference book will save you lots of time, give you a basic knowledge of...
I've seen reference is many threads and recipies to using Rye flower in baking sourdough, but I havent been able to find any...
Hello there, I am a sourdough newbie in need of some coaching, please!! I have read soooooo many sites, forums etc on sourdough...
My wife is starting a home bakery, she is from the islands and can make really good (instant yeast) bread. Since I started...
Hi to everybody i just found this community and i think it's amazing. I'm just growing my live starter since around 15 -20 days...
I am about to embark on making my first gluten free sourdough bread. The Brown Rice Starter recipe that I'm using calls for water...
I'm beyond busy with wedding cakes just now and don't need the updates from the forums in my mailbox. Can anyone help me turn...
I know that this topic has been addressed and I agree with most everyone that it makes no sense to make a yeast recipe into a...
Hardly panis angelicus . In fact the crust is hard as a brick. The loaves rose well enough overnight but are heavy and not...
I'm trying to find a balance between long proofing times for extra sour flavor and a nice golden crust. I think it's overproofed...
Let's get a real bread movement going in Australia, for once and all focus on real bread, real craftsmen/women and not chemical...
With all newbie baker's joining this list and having various elementary issues, one would suggest that the new baker invest in...
Hi all! I have been reading and lurking for a while, and have finally decided to register. I bake bread at home about once a week...
i been looking around but so far i can only find round pizza stone, i had one of those and it did "ok" but it isn't perfect and...
I am new to baking bread of any sort. I managed to get my sour dough starter going very well by using the heat of a DSL modem. I...
I thought I'd share the plans of my proofing box with our forum members, it keeps a temp range of 0.4F degrees. I use a 60W bulb...
If you, like me, are having trouble with flat sourdough, I have the cure. Get some "vital wheat gluten" and put in a tablespoon...
Hello fellow Sourdough enthusiasts, I have a question for you. Yesterday and today I baked 2 loaves that were the same in many...
Sourdough Companion were fortunate to be able to work with Poh and the ABC crew when they visited Tasmania early in 2011. Poh...
http://www.bakingsealofexcellence.org.au/ NBIA has introduced the Baking Seal of Excellence to uphold and honour the fine baking...
Following recent discussion on sourdough companion re: Real Bread Movement, Abscorbic Acid and the need for an Association,...
Hi there! I am so pleased to find this site. I kept a sourdough for about 12 years when my children were young and made bread...
Greetings to all forum members. I am totally new to sourdough baking although I have been baking wholemeal bread with yeast for...
My first is a Crusty Samolina Sourdough from th Yoke Mardewi book. It turned out quite flat I put this down to not having a clue...
It would be great for consumers and the baking industry, if in the next edition of the GOOD FOOD GUIDE, the compositor's/editor's...