Honey Oat and Flax Bread

Adam T's picture
Adam T

I made this yesterday morning when I wasn't quite ready to go to bed after work.

I was originally planning on just making a white bread, but decided part way into it to go with something with oats, flax and honey as well.


The Dough

Ingredient Metric Imperial Baker's Percentage
All Purpose Flour 435 grams 15.36 oz 100.00%
Water 305 grams 10.77 oz 70.11%
Instant Yeast 4 grams 0.14 oz 0.92%
Liquid Honey 18 grams 0.64 oz 4.14%
Salt 7 grams 0.25 oz 1.61%
Quick cooking oats (raw) 57 grams 2.01 oz 13.10%
Ground Flax Seeds 22 grams 0.78 oz 5.06%
Total Flour Weight:
435 grams

Percentages are relative to flour weight (flour equals 100%) and every other ingredient is a percentage of this. Flour from the starter is not counted. This recipe was originally in grams and has been automatically converted to other measures.


Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix together until a ball is formed.

Let this rest in an oiled bowl for 30 minutes.

Flatten it out a bit and do a fold.

Let rest for another 20 minutes and then shape it into whatever shape you like. I made a pullman or "football" shape.

Let this proof covered for about 1 hour.

Preheat your oven to 430 F and place a tray of water in the bottom rack.

Bake for 20 minutes then reduce the heat to 400 F and remove the tray of water.

Bake for another 15 minutes, and remove it from the pan. Place it back in the oven on the rack for another 5 - 10 minutes.

Cool on a wire rack and enjoy!


423 users have voted.


patricia sarr 2010 February 4

There are no already-ground flax seeds in this country - may I just put them through a spice grinder or a food processor, do you think?


farz786 2010 February 12

Hello, I would love to try this recipe except under the ingredients where it says "method", there is nothing there.  Could you please tell me what you did.  Thanks :-)

patricia sarr 2010 February 13

Thanks so much for the prompt and helpful reply.  There is still nothing in the "method" section, which I presumed would be fixed in response to another query.  Obviously several of us were very intrested in trying your recipe - will you post the method, do you think?


kenc 2010 July 7

Hi Adam,

I originally looked at this bread because I am trying to incorperate more ground flax seed into my diet.  Your recipe looked delicious.  Of course, I have this whole wheat sourdough starter sitting around that I like to use on a regular basis as well.  So I took my sourdough starter and incorperated into your recipe, leaving out the yeast.  I got a nice loaf of bread with a tight crumb.  It's has a nice sourdough background tang that goes well toasted and/or adding some form of jam.  We also make sandwhiches out of it with some nice strong honey baked ham.


Although, I must confess, there was a lot going on this weekend and I forgot to add the honey.  Next time, I will add it to see if I can make it just a touch sweeter.  I have never added any honey to my sourdough breads so it will be yet another experiment.


thanks again!





TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2010 July 8

this thread. Someone told me to add ground golden flaxseed into my diet to help lower my cholesterol level. This is great! Sounds delish. Thanks, Adam.

studs 2010 September 9

WOW , I think that this is a really innovatie and new idea on making a bread . I would definitely try making this myself aswell . The recepie you've created looks really delicious and easy to make. But the only think that I am currently confused is about the size of the dough needed to bake one of this bread . I would actully want to know what would be the appropriate size of the dough .

oldbake1 2010 December 30

Hi Adam,

Allthough i have just joined up i have been looking in on the site for a while now and have tried this recipe a few times, it has quickly become a favourite with all i have shared it with. I must admit i have experimented a bit adding extra or different seeds such as Linseed,sunflower and have not been dissapointed.

Great stuff Thanks



cagatx's picture
cagatx 2015 September 10

I'm in the US and older lady who just can't get a hand on the grams, etc.  I have looked up converstion charts but things are so ridgid that I spend a lot of time trying to get the right amounts!  If you have the time, I would like to ask if you can give some cup measurements for your recipe? 

I have been online for a few hours trying to covert from grams, etc.  I am giving you what I've got in hopes you can give me some help.  I really want to bake your bread.  I will totally understand if this is not something you want to do.  Here it is just in case:  sorry it lost the table formating?

The Dough: 






All Purpose Flour


3 1/4

Grams/ cups




2 1/4

grams/ mil


Instant Yeast



grams/ tsp.


Liquid Honey


 1 TBS

grams/ mil




2 14 tsps.

grams/ tsps..


Quick cooking oats (raw)


 2 oz.

grams/ cups


Ground Flax Seeds






farinam's picture
farinam 2015 September 11

Hello cagatx,

I feel your pain. And it is a subject fraught with problems what with different size cups and spoons in different parts of the world.  And then there is the problem of packing density and whether heaped or level.  I think that is the reason that more and more recipes are given in weights rather than volume.

One solution might be that electronic kitchen scales that can be switched between grams and pounds are quite cheap and readily available and so for a small expenditure you could convert to using the weights published.

On the other hand the conversions for common ingredients such as flour, sugar etc are not too bad (but beware of different sugars) and it is only the less common/minor ingredients that there is often a problem getting a conversion factor but these are often in the range of tablespoons to a third/half a cup and you might make a reasoned guess at the amount to add.  Also for the minors you can easily just round to the nearest spoonful (eg 2 not 2.14).

I think, just give it a go.  Make a note of what you do and, if it doesn't quite work out, make an adjustment next time and have fun doing it.

Good luck with your projects.


Maedi's picture
Maedi 2015 September 14

@Cagatx. Just a heads up that in the coming weeks I will add back our auto-conversion feature, which will add imperial measurments to the table above. Stay tuned.

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