Hi there, This is my first post to the site. I have been maintaning my sourdough starter for about two weeks now. It has been...
I have read some methods that suggest regular 'stir downs' or stretch and folds during bulk fermentation, every 30-60mins. Some...
Hi there, I started my sour dough starter on Friday evening using 175g strong white flour and 175ml tap water and mixed with 4...
I learned today the purpose for scoring your loaf. i tried a nice heart score and I’m sure it would have worked but I could not...
Has anyone or does anyone use their used bench flour as food for their starter? today I made a loaf of bread, some English...
I am trying to bake a Tartine country loaf. Unfortunately I’m getting loaves that are one big mouse hole. Vigorous starter fed...
Hi All. I recently started baking sourdough bread. I tried couple of times, different methods and recipes. everytime during the...
Hi all, Thanks for allowing me to join your group, and hopefully I can learn to make some special sourdough bread, with...
I recently baked a loaf of sourdough and after baking it was nice and sour. The next day, I could barely taste the sourness. I...
Hello, I’m new here and new in the world of sourdough. I was given a starter by a friend and have been really into baking the...
Hi I too love my sourdough bread very sour. I have been trying to mimic a sourdough loaf made by Boudin Bakery in San Francisco...
I’ve been baking naturally levain breads at home almost exclusively in Dutch Ovens for years with positive results. So much so...
Hi everyone, i have a question. So, I’ve been baking sourdough for quite a while and it’s working great. I mainly make country...
Really happy with these loaves cooked in my home oven on 12mm baking steel I made. ;->)
I am trying to make a starter and am going into day 5. Day 3 it smelled weird, day 4 my entire kitchen smelled like vomit and...
Hi Everyone I've just started making sourdough - made 3 batches so far. The first and third batch stuck like mad to the tea towel...
I am a newby to this and I am looking for a simple white or white/rye combination sourdough loaf recipe to start with, any...
Hi Guys! I have not posted for ages as all has been going well with my bread, but I had a problem last weekend and would be very...
Can someone tell me what went wrong? I'm really new to making sourdough. I have made a strong starter from scratch by mixing 2oz...
My sourdough is covered with a thin layer of what looks like mould. Each day when I feed it I incorporate the mould but is it...
Hi, I’m working on my first ever sourdough starter and am about two and a half weeks in. It was really active the first week, but...
Very curious to know why this is in particular about barley. Reason for question is that I'm having a chemistry geek moment about...
While I'm no novice in baking, I've not used sourdough before. What I need to get an idea about is how to "convert" regular yeast...
I just received a new mixer with all the attachments , am planning on using this to make sourdough . Does anyone have any...
I think I may have overproofed, before baking the dough was very soft and there were some large bubbles at the surface, I also think that...Read more