I'm new to baking, my inside look almost slightly grey, are my concerns valid or am I tripping? I am thinking it could be because...
Hi, I am a newbie, started baking in Nov for grieving therapy after my daughter passed away. The process has been rewarding and...
Hi! I was wondering if anyone can help. I have a 100% hydration starter (6 weeks old). I retain a cup and feed it with 120g AP/...
Hi, I am new to making Sourdough bread, and am trying a new starter recipe( Paul Hollywood's Grape recipe ) It is now day three,...
can you save rest of the sourdough that you made from your first batch.
hi, I recently made a starter which has been growing well, after six days I decided to try making the first loaf. It looked great...
Hey everyone. I've been creeping the forums reading all the great posts and advice and decided to sign up and ask a few questions...
I made my first pound cake a few days ago. It was good. But then I wondered what it would taste like if I had used some of my...
Hi guys, Maybe you can help. I've been baking my boules in my home oven, 2 at a time with excellent results in the Lodge combo...
Hi! I started my starter two days ago. I used 4oz organic all purpose flour and 4 oz filtered water. My sour has grown and has a...
I made pizza last night and I felt the crumb was a bit short, will too much kneading shorten the crust? Fresh yeast Water Strong...
Hey everyone! I have recently started baking sourdough bread and i am in love. It has been maybe 3 or 4 weeks now, i have baked...
I've been baking sourdough bread successfully for three years. For the last three weeks, however, I've been having a lot of...
Hello everyone, have not been active here for a while mainly because I got away from baking. But recently resumed baking bread...
Frank is looking for a Spelt Pizza Dough Recipe - can anyone help?
Been making sough dough for a while, results are generally very good. Use it for pizza, bread and pitta bread. The bread looks...
Could a friendly breadmaker tell me how to replicate what is called "farine bise" in Europe? in french baking it is the T80 flour...
Hi all, I created a starter about 18 months ago and began making sourdough bread, at home, in my kitchen.. Everything went pretty...
Valerie has asked : The sourdough I tried would never get past a loose batter no matter how much flour I added... so weird,...
Thank you to the generous people who share their knowledge and make this forum possible. Six months ago I started baking...
Harvested from an ancient sea, sealed underground for millions of years. Unrefined Grey Sea Salt Product of Australia ** THIS ITEM INCLUDES...Read more
Hi, My daughter passed away in Nov. To help me get through this difficult time, I decided to learn how to bake bread. I love...
I am new to this forum. I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I have discovered that I can eat breads and cookies that...
In his book, "Tartine Bread," Chad Robertson says freshly milled flour is much better tasting. So, I went to Amazon. After...