You are invited to a sourdough bake on Friday 11 August 2006, at [url=http://www.sourdough.com.au/boonderoo/]Boonderoo Farm[/url...
I thought maybe you would like to see the slashing demonstration on my blog post yesterday: [url]http://northwestsourdough...
Heres the roundup of my second effort at sourdough. I used the 750g Rye Loaf Recipe and this time followed it to the dot.. well...
Hey Carla, guess what I had for lunch. Its heavy, black, sliced very thin, and is about 99% grain. Heaven is! Picked up a couple...
I know you're out there because you are logged on. Obviously no one has been baking. well I just spent the last 10 minutes...
Todays bake, 3 half baguettes. One of these is just perfect for two people to have with dinner. These were cooked for 18 minutes...
this what happens when i take no shortcuts so for who ever is trying to make nice sourdough bread follow instructions to the dot...
Gday, Most of the references on making your own "starter" call for good quality flour. However I've not found any mention of the...
i can't help myself and almost every time i refresh i wash the glass jar i keep my starter in than i do mass murder and put...
can we have this fixed? i lost count today how many email notifications i got today
Go Bill. He's contributed over 500 posts. 15.90% of the total number of posts that is. Not that quantitly is above quality, but I...
what is best way ? i tried with wet knife and brushed in oil and dry and it seem that dry knife works best but still i always...
Morning all, Hope everyone is well Well the oven is out of bounds ATM as the coating on the adjacenet cupboard doors is...
i did small experiment same dough cut in two portions after bulk proofing shape and let it sit for same amount of time owen time...
The answer to my question is probably already lurking somewhere, but i couldn't find it. So here we go: Usually I will do a...
..baking again? i put it in a fridge bit late (it was at its peak) good thing is that after being there few days smell went back...
I have always wondered how you figure out how much dough will fit into a banneton or baking tin so that it will just neatly rise...
I've been making buns. Seeded party buns filled with lotus paste [img]http://titch.sourdough.net.au/files/2006/08/filledbuns.jpg...
hi my wkend bake with spelt and rye. still mucking around with the water thing. the crumbs could be a little bit softer. other...
I baked my first sourdough loaves this weekend, with mixed results. I used Bill's 750g Rye Loaf recipe with the minimal kneading...
Hi All I made a great chef, starter and bread the book I was following then said to put the reamining chef into the fridge in an...
I baked my first sourdoughs this weekend and for taste the breads were great. My question is how do I maintain the shape of the...
Well I did the first bake in the new oven today. A couple of 750g Pugliese bread from a recipe that Jeremy sent me. It's a 75%...
Just flicked a couple of loaves onto the stone. One landed resting against the back wall, while the other didn't quite all make...
OK, long time bread baker first time sourdougher. I need to know how to go about making my loaf, starting with... the starter. I...