Sourdough Olive bread


This was a first attempt at making a sourdough olive bread, and I think still needs some tweaking.
The olives are added using the 'laminating' technique that Graham has videoed, incorporated into the dough at the last fold before shaping. One advantage of that is that they don't end up poking out all over the shaped loaf.

The Dough

Ingredient Metric Imperial Baker's Percentage
strong white flour 400 grams 14.12 oz 80.00%
rye 50 grams 1.77 oz 10.00%
w/meal flour 50 grams 1.77 oz 10.00%
leaven 200 grams 7.06 oz 40.00%
water (lukewarm) 325 grams 11.47 oz 65.00%
1/2 tsp dried barley malt 4 grams 0.14 oz 0.80%
salt 9 grams 0.32 oz 1.80%
1 tablespoon olive paste/tapenade 18 grams 0.64 oz 3.60%
1 teaspoon fresh rosemary finely chopped 7 grams 0.25 oz 1.40%
Black kalamata olives (pitted) 180 grams 6.35 oz 36.00%
Total Flour Weight:
500 grams

Percentages are relative to flour weight (flour equals 100%) and every other ingredient is a percentage of this. Flour from the starter is not counted. This recipe was originally in grams and has been automatically converted to other measures.


Mix Dough
Stir leaven and barley malt into water
Add flours, salt, olive paste and rosemary
Mix roughly
Leave for 10 minutes
Knead for 10 seconds on oiled surface
leave for 10 minutes
2 further 10 second kneads over next 20 mins

Leave for one hour - stretch and fold dough
Leave for another hour - stretch and fold
Leave for 3rd hour
Press dough into rough square
scatter chopped pitted olives over square
Roll up tightly starting from far end
Fold ends over on each side (same as for 'turning' the dough)
Leave for one hour

Shape into loaf
Leave for 3-4 hours

Bake at 190C for ~40 mins

(will post photos shortly)
makes extremely tasty toast
probably could do with less salt, given the salt in the olive paste and the olives
I will probably increase the amount of water next time by 10g in an attempt to get a more open texture


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SourDom 2006 April 20



(yes, yes I know Chembake it was a little overproved. I won't leave it as long next time!)

Bill44's picture
Bill44 2006 April 21

Well Dom, I'm going to do an Olive loaf this afternoon with an overnight in the fridge. I just hope it turns out as good as yours.

chembake 2006 April 21

Sourdom I would not suggest increasing the hydration as it will make the loaf appear flattish .
A very open grain is not an asset for an olive loaf from my point of view.

If I make my calamata olive loaf I blend in the ollives with the dough(only a maximum of three quarters developed) before shifting to low speed, addiing the drained olives just to keep it dispersed ,place in a container and then refrigerated it overnight and in the next day its divided , preshaped and given and intermediate proof for 15 minutes then molded tightly.

Even if placed on the baking tray sprinkled with rye meal then proofed and loaded into a hot oven with lots of steam at 230 degree C. and the, heat will be reduced when the bread starts to brown, the damper pullled out. and baked at lower temperature , not more than 190 degree C to stabilze the loaf. It will come out betterlooking 8)
It will have a more rounded symmetry and likely a better volume due to improved oven kick. 8)
At higher initial baking temperature the bread will appear bold looking and the cuts will break nicely. 8)

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